Chapter 52: Zelena!

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     Rumple was about to kill them with his powers, but Belle stopped him. "Don't let them get what they want." Belle stated still in pain. Rumple sighed and put his hands down. He put Belle on the bed and got her comfy. Then he stood next to Regina.
        Regina and Cora were just starring at each other. Regina couldn't believe it, she was holding back tears. "Why?" Regina asked. "It's who I am. It's in our nature." Cora responded. "No. It's in your nature. It's not who I am. I am good, I'm a hero, not a villian. I will be who I choose to be and it's nothing like you or who you want me to be." Regina explained and Cora sighed. "Remember when you were the evil queen?" Cora asked. "Yes." Regina replied. Cora opened her mouth to speak but Regina cut her off. "But I don't want to." Regina added and Cora shut her mouth. "It's not who I am. It's who you two are. I'm good, I will always be good. I hate who turned me into. I wish I never got to that point, and I wish you hadn't either. Or you Zelena. Sometimes I wish.... That we could have started out and ended like a real happy family. A good mother who didn't give her first child up. But then, I think to myself, if non of this had ever happened, then I wouldn't be where I am. I wouldn't be so.... Happy. I wouldn't be with Robin, I would be with Daniel. I did love Daniel, but Robin is my soul mate, and I love him more then I loved Daniel. I'm happy. So apart of me is glade how this turned out. But I wish.... That you guys could be good and I could be with Robin and have these kids. But life isn't perfect, I learned that the hard way. I get one or the other and.... I choose my husband and kids. They're what's important to me and they're what I want and need. That's the end of it." Regina explained. Robin, from behind her, grabbed her hand and she squeezed it still holding back tears.
    "Come on, Zelena." Cora stated. "Are you just going to give up?" Zelena asked. "No, but there's nothing left for us right now." Cora replied. "Not if I have anything to do with it." Zelena stated. Zelena picked up the Athame and threw it at Belle. Rumple gasped. He didn't have enough time to jump in front of her or catch. So, without even thinking, he used magic to change the direction of the way the athame was going. He did that as soon as the athame was about to stab her, it scratched her a bit. It went towards Zelena and stabbed her in the head. She fell down, dead. Belle, Regina, and even Rumple was surprised. "Zelena!" Cora exclaimed. She ran over there and brushed her hair away from her face. She held her and cried. She looked at Regina. "Are you going to let him get away with killing your sister?" Cora asked. "Yes. Besides, she's not my sister." Regina replied with a smirk. "Well I'm not going to let them get away with it." Cora stated standing up. Then Cora disappeared in smoke and everyone didn't know what was going to happen.

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