Chapter 16: The Big Bad Secret!

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       Red and Pinocchio were on Red's bad chatting. Granny still isn't sure about this. Pinocchio doesn't know Red's big bad secret yet and Grannies afraid Red will get hurt.
    The next morning Red woke up and saw Pinocchio still asleep. She smiled at him. She turned around and saw a note on her bedside table. She looked at it and it was from Granny saying she left and will be back as soon as she can. Red got up and took a shower. When she got out she put her hair in a ponytail. Pinocchio was still asleep so she went and took a jog.
     When she got back Pinocchio was in the kitchen making breakfast. "You were up early." Pinocchio stated with a smile and gave Red a kiss on the lips. "Yeah. I had a lot to think about it." Red stated. Red took down her ponytail and rubbed her hair a bit to make it a bit messy yet beautiful. "About what?" Pinocchio asked. There was a moment of silence and Red's head was down. She looked up and they met eye to eye. "There's something I have to tell you." Red admitted. "What?" Pinocchio asked taking Red's hand looking worried. "I'll tell you after breakfast." Red stated and Pinocchio nodded in agreement. They ate their breakfast in silence.
       After breakfast Red took Pinocchio's hand and led him outside. "What's going on?" Pinocchio asked. "I can't exactly tell you this so I'm going to show you." Red explained and Pinocchio nodded in agreement. Red hid and Pinocchio couldn't see her and was kind of worried.
Then a wolf jumped out startling Pinocchio, making him fall back. He kept pushing himself back. "Beast! Red! Where are you!? Are you okay!?" Pinocchio kept yelling. Then the wolf turned back into Red. Red stood up with watery eyes and a tear roll down her cheek. Pinocchio got up just realizing what happened.     Pinocchio tried to walk to her but she stopped him and started crying. "Granny was right. Granny was right! You were everything she said and worst. Worst because I actually believed you were different, but you're not. You're just like the others. You want to kill me, because I'm the beast." Red explained. "I don't...." Pinocchio started but Red cut him off. "You think I'm a beast! You thought that the beast hurt or killed me, when I am the beast! How could you!? You knew I was here. You should have put the pieces together. You should have saw it in me. The wolf is just like me. You didn't even see it in my eyes, how do I really know that you truly know me? I'm just a beast. I wasn't sure if you truly liked me for me because you didn't know who I truly am.... Well now you know and you don't like it, don't say that you do because reaction states otherwise. So just.... Leave me alone! I never want to see you again!" Red explained and ran off. Pinocchio tried to follow her but lost her.
     Pinocchio looked everywhere but couldn't find her. "I'm so stupid! How could I be so stupid! She's right." Pinocchio realized in frustration.

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