Chapter 51: Dagger!

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     "Where's the dagger?" Zelena asked. "We can torture that girl of his and make him tell us where it is!" Zelena suggested. "That won't work." Cora stated. "Why not?" Zelena asked. "Because he doesn't know where it is." Cora responded. "How?" Zelena asked. "He gave it to Belle and told her to hide it. She's the only one who knows where it is." Cora stated. "Then lets find her." Zelena stated and Cora smiled and she nodded too.
      Belle was alone in the castle. Rumple was out doing arrins and took Skyler and Randy. Balefire is at school. Belle left library. Cora and Zelena appeared in the library. "It might be here. She loves books!" Zelena exclaimed. "But people will figure that out and she knows that." Cora stated and Zelena nodded.
       Belle sat on her bed in her room. She closed her eyes and sighed. Then she heard the bedroom door open and she smiled. "Rumple!" Belle exclaimed. She sat up and opened her eyes. Her face immediately fell when she saw it wasn't Rumple. Belle stood up and walked back until she was against a wall. Cora and Zelena walked up to her. "Wh-what do you w-want?" Belle asked. "You." Cora stated. "W-why?" Belle asked. "Because you're the only person who knows where Rumplestiltskin's dagger is." Zelena replied with a wicked smile. "I won't tell you where the dagger is!" Belle exclaimed a little more confident surprising them all, including her. She gulped. Cora put an athame up to her neck. "Kill me. I will never tell you. But you're not going to kill me, because you need me." Belle stated. Then Rumple walked in. Cora and Zelena went behind Belle and Cora still has the athame against Belle's neck. "Leave! Belle! Alone!" Rumple exclaimed. "Uh.... No. We want the dagger." Cora stated with an evil smile. "I.... I don't know where it is." Rumple stated. "Then get Belle to tell us or she's dead!" Zelena threatened. "Belle...." Rumple started. "Don't. I will never give up the place of your dagger, especially to people like them." Belle stated. "But if you don't you'll die!" Rumple exclaimed. "I don't care! You mean more to me! I will never put you threw that pain. Plus, they'll probably kill me anyway. Besides, they won't kill me. They need me.... I'm the only one who knows where the dagger is. They won't killing me." Belle explained. There was a moment of silence. Belle and Rumple looked deep into each others eyes. "You're right.... We won't kill you." Zelena stated. "But we will hurt you." Cora stated and she stabbed her back. Belle screamed in pain. "Belle!" Rumple exclaimed. "Rumple!" Belle exclaimed. "Please don't hurt her!" Rumple pleaded falling to the ground. "Belle...." Cora started. "No.... Not. Going. To. Happen." Belle stated. "Belle! Please!" Rumple pleaded and Belle didn't answer.
      "How about you find us the dagger." Zelena suggested to Rumple. Rumple looked at Belle. "Even if you do find it, our true love is more powerful then a stupid dagger. Our true love is more powerful then anything imaginable. You won't win, you can't win. Evil and wicked, will always loose. Good and true love, will always win." Belle explained. "We won't stab her again if you find us the dagger." Cora stated. Cora lifted the athame but Rumple put his hand up. "Please. I'll find it." Rumple stated. Cora put the athame back at Belle's neck. "You better hurry." Zelena warned and Rumple disappeared in smoke.
   Instead of Rumple going to look for the dagger, he appeared at Regina's castle. "What are you doing here?" Regina asked standing up and crossing her arms. "It's Belle." Rumple stated and Regina's arms went down by her sides. "What?" Regina asked. Regina could tell it's bad because it looks like Rumple is holding back tears. "I thought you said your mother and sister decided to be good to make amends with you?" Rumple asked. "They did." Regina responded. "Well they lied. They have Belle, they stabbed her. They're trying to force her to tell them where my dagger is." Rumple explained. "Why don't you tell them?" Regina asked. "Because I don't know!" Rumple replied. "How do you not know?" Regina asked. "Because I told Belle to hide it so no one will know where it is but her." Rumple replied. "And she won't tell them?" Regina asked. "No. She said she rather die then let anyone get a hold of my dagger!" Rumple replied. There was a moment of silence. "I'll talk to them." Regina stated and Rumple nodded.
       They both appeared where Belle, Cora and Zelena are. "Found the dagger?" Zelena asked. But then they looked up. "Regina?" Cora asked. Regina crossed her arms. "It's not what it looks like." Cora stated. "Let her go." Regina stated. "Why?" Zelena asked and Regina put her arms down by her sides. "Because! She's my friend!" Regina exclaimed. Regina used telekinesis to bring the athame to her. Then she threw Cora and Zelena against the wall. Rumple used his powers to transport Belle to him. Belle was crying and Rumple soothed her.

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