Chapter 45: Potion!

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       Ingrid appeared in Snows castle and was holding a vile. She walked into the nursery and saw Snow. "Who are you and what are you doing in here?" Snow asked guarding Emma and Lily. Ingrid used her powers to make Snow fly to the wall. Snow tried to go back to her babies but Ingrid made a force field so Snow couldn't get over there. "Which one is Emma?" Ingrid asked as she opened the vile. Snow screamed and David charged in with his sword. He pointed his sword at her. "Leave our babies.... Alone!" David demanded. Ingrid turned around and the potion bottle was in her hand and opened. "What's in the vile?" David asked. "Like I'm going to tell you." Ingrid stated. David put the sword up to her neck. "It's not going to kill her.... It just makes her an adult. She'll be just like she would be in 20 years when she is an adult.... But, she'll believe I'm her mom. She's supposed to have great power, light power." Ingrid explained. "Why do you want you to be an adult?" Snow asked. "Because.... My sisters are both dead and neither of them had powers, that's how why they died. But.... If I have Emma and Elsa then everything will be perfect!" Ingrid explained. "You know Elsa?" David asked. "Yes.... I'm her long lost aunt." Ingrid replied. Snow and David both gasped in surprise.
      Ingrid had an evil smile. She threw David and his sword with her powers. He hit his head but wasn't unconscious. But Ingrid didn't know that the blade part hit the force field, breaking it. Snow ran and pushed Ingrid away from the babies, just as Ingrid was about to feed Emma the potion. Ingrid dropped the bottle and it broke. Glass was in little pile on the floor and the liquid was on the floor too. Snow, David, and Ingrid got up. "No! That took a month to make!" Ingrid exclaimed. Snow and David smiled. "Now leave! Before we call security." David warned. "You'll pay for this!" Ingrid exclaimed. "We'll see." Snow stated and Ingrid left.
       That night Snow called Elsa. "What's up?" Elsa asked. "Have you found Anna yet?" Snow asked. "No. Now Kristoff is missing too!" Elsa exclaimed. "What?" Snow asked. "Yeah. I don't know what's going on. I think.... I know it has to do with Ingrid." Elsa explained. "Ingrid is...." Elsa started. "I know who Ingrid is." Snow cut her off. "How?" Elsa asked. "She payed us a visit." Snow replied. "What?" Elsa asked. "Yeah. She came for Emma." Snow stated. "Why?" Elsa asked. "Wanted to turn her into an adult that has magical powers, that way.... You three will be the three unstoppable magical musketeers." Snow explained. "I'll stop her." Elsa stated. "Do you need help?" Snow asked. "No. This.... Is my battle!" Elsa exclaimed.

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