Chapter 41: Half Sisters Part 1!

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      Cora is evil and has a lot of secrets, even from her daughter. Cora has been trying to connect with Regina but Regina doesn't want to and refuses to.
     Someone was watching Regina with her family. "That should be me. Kissing my husband that I love who loves me. Taking care of my kids I have with him. Having a mom who actually is trying to connect with me. She has stolin the life I should have had, the life I deserve. I will get you Regina, my dear sister." Zelena explained looking at the crystal ball.
       Zelena turned the crystal ball off and sat down thinking. Then there was a knock on the door. She used magic to open the door. She heard footsteps come near her. "Well if it isn't my old friend, Glinda." Zelena stated and then she turned around in her chair. "We need to talk." Glinda stated. "No.... You need to leave." Zelena stated. "I came here on official business. Stop with the jealousy and rage. It will only do you more harm with this hatred then it will Regina. Talk to her rationally. Talk to your mom and find out why she did what she did. There has to be a reason and you know that. So, stop being evil." Glinda explained. "I'm not evil, I'm wicked, and wicked always wins." Zelena exclaimed. "Zelena...." Glinda started. "Stop." Zelena stated and walked up to her. "Get out or I'll banish you!" Zelena ordered and Glinda sighed and then she left Zelena alone.
   "It's almost time." Zelena stated. She looked at her crystal ball again and saw Regina and her family get ready for bed. "Tomorrow we'll meet, dear sister." Zelena stated and walked off to bed herself.
    The next day Zelena got up and took a shower. She got dressed in a beautiful sparkly dress with a black for coat. She had black heals on too and her special amulet she always wears. She looked in the mirror and smiled to herself. She walked down stairs. She looked at her crystal ball and saw Regina. She was already dressed and so was her family. She looked at her clock at saw it was almost noon. "Almost time, dear sister." Zelena stated with a wicked smile.
  Hope was over at the charmings with Belle's twins too having a play date. Rowland was at the the charmings with Balefire as well. Robin was taking a shower and Regina was in the living room. "It's time." Zelena realized and she left in green smoke to Regina's.
         Zelena appeared outside her door. She got on her broom and flew in at her window. Zelena stayed their flying on her broom stick. "What the hell?" Ragina asked. "I am Zelena." Zelena introduced. "I'm...." Regina started confused. "Regina." Zelena finished. "How do you know me?" Regina asked. "I'm your long lost half sister." Zelena replied with a wicked smile and Regina gasped and looked confused.

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