Chapter 11: Peace!

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      Red woke up and immediately and took a shower. Then she got dress and went into her room when she saw a surprise. She smiled at the sight of her boyfriend on her bed. "What are you doing here?" Red asked. "Your Granny let me in. I don't think she likes me." Pinocchio replied. "Now I'm sure that's not true." Red reassured. "I hope it's not." Pinocchio commented as he stood up. He went over to Red and kissed her passionately on the lips. Then he picked her up and spun her around. He finally let her down on her bed. Then he curled up next to her and they started making out. 
      Belle woke up to Rumple starring at her. "What are you looking at?" Belle asked with a smirk. "The most beautiful and lovely women in the entire universe." Rumple replied. "Are you cheating on me?" Belle asked holding back a smile. Rumple kissed Belle's temple and she blushed. "I'm talking about you." Rumple replied and they both laughed. Then a knock came to the door. Belle got up and got dressed. "Come in!" Belle called as she finished putting her hair into a ponytail and Balefire walked in. "I'm going to go out for a walk." Balefire told them. "Okay, have fun." Belle commented and Balefire left. "Are you sure it's safe?" Rumple asked. "Come on. Don't be such a worry wort." Belle replied. They heard the twins crying and they sighed. "I'll get one and you'll get the other." Rumple suggested. "Sounds like a plan." Belle agreed. They went and took care of their babies.
       Regina woke up and saw Robin gone. She got dressed and left her room. Regina then ran into Graham. "Your majesty. Everything's perfect. No sign of trouble." Graham told her. "Good. Where's Robin?" Regina asked. "In the kitchen with your kids." Graham replied and they walked their selerate ways. Regina walked in the kitchen and saw everyone sitting down and eating. She decided to join. "Thought you can ditch me, huh?" Regina asked with a smirk. "I wasn't." Robin replied and Regina laughed. After breakfast, Regina took her daughter and rocked her to sleep while Robin was teaching Rowland parts of an arrow.
     Snow was walking inside her house after checking on her kingdom. But Snow smiled as she walked towards Grumpy. "Grumpy. I need you and the dwarves to check just outside of the kingdom to make sure there's no intruders." Snow ordered as her smile turned into a frown and Grumpy nodded. "Of course, sister." Grumpy agreed. Snow walked into her bedroom and neither David nor Emma were in there. She started looking around and couldn't seem to find them anywhere. She finally decided to look out back and found David playing with Emma. They were having fun so Snow just stood by the back door and watched. David turned his head and smiled at Snow who smiled back. Snow walked over to them and joined them.
        Elsa was making it snow in Arendelle, so everyone can ice skate. They were all having fun. Anna had finally learned how. "You sure this is safe? After all, you are pregnant." Elsa warned. "Maybe you're right. I am eight months pregnant. Slide me to the barn so I can see Kristoff." Anna told her and she did. Anna watched Kristoff feed Sven. Kristoff doesn't know Anna's there yet. Then Olaf walked in. "Why are you just watching him?" Olaf asked and Kristoff turned around and smiled at his wife. "No reason." Anna replied. They both smiled and walked towards each other and kissed. "Awwww!" Olaf exclaimed and they stopped. "Sorry, did I ruin the moment?" Olaf asked. "Kinda, yeah." Kristoff replied. "Don't worry about it." Anna told him. Kristoff helped Anna to the castle so she could rest, and she fell asleep instantly. 
      Then there was a loud bang that you can hear throughout all the kingdoms and villages followed by a loud evil laugh. Then an earthquake began and everyone was being separated by their lived ones.

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