Chapter 15: Magic Makes Everything Better!

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   Rumple sat down and he sat the twins down too. But then Rumple thought of something and he poofed to Regina. "Rumple?" Regina asked. "Who's that?" Rowland asked. "An old friend. Sort of." Regina replied. "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be looking for Belle and the twins?" Regina asked. "We need to get the world back to normal. I found out that certain places did this. I find that funny. I think it's a work of someone evil." Rumple explained. Like who?" Regina asked. "I don't know that yet deary." Rumple responded. "So why do you need me?" Regina asked. Because deary. I am the most powerful magical being and you're the second. So it's up to us to bring the world back to normal." Rumple explained.    "Sounds like a plan." Regina stated. They joined hands and began the spell. Then s tornado appeared and sucked everyone and everything into it and took them to where they were before the earthquake happened.
      Red woke up in her bed and looked around. She saw Pinocchio sitting next to her. He woke up and they hugged. Then they kissed passionately on the lips. "Granny!" Red exclaimed. "Papa!" Pinocchio exclaimed. They went to find them. Red's Granny was in her room and Pinocchio's papa was in his room in his house. They all hugged.
      Belle woke up in the library. She looked around confused. But then she remembered what happened. She ran into the living room and saw Rumple and Balefire hugging. Then Rumple ran up to her and they hugged. Then they kissed passionately on the lips. Then they ran to the twins room. They picked them up and hugged them.
    Regina woke up in her bed and looked around. She got up and started looking for her family. Robin and Rowland woke up in the kitchen and then they hugged. Then Regina ran in. Robin went up to her. They hugged and then kissed passionately on the lips. Then they ran into Hopes room. They saw her crying in her crib. They picked her up and hugged her.
     Elsa woke up in her room and looked around. "Anna!" Elsa called. But there wasn't an answer. Elsa started looking for her. Anna woke up in her room. "Elsa! Kristoff!" Anna called. But there was no answer. Anna got up carefully since she's still pregnant and started looking for them. Anna and Elsa saw each other in the living room and hugged. Then Kristoff woke up in the barn. He hugged Sven and then ran to the castle. Olaf woke up in the kitchen and walked into the living room. Elsa and Olaf hugged. Then Kristoff walked in.   Anna and Kristoff hugged and then kissed passionately on the lips. "Uh oh." Anna stated. "What!?" Elsa and Kristoff asked in unison. "I think my water just broke." Anna replied.
   Dorothy woke up in the kitchen and looked around. She noticed her two kids in there asleep too. Ronald and Kristy woke up and then they all hugged. Then Zelena flew in. "What do you want?" Dorothy asked getting in front of her kids. "I want help with revenge." Zelena stated. "On who?" Dorothy asked. "My younger sister. My mom gave me up but kept her." Zelena stated. "That's why you're evil like this." Dorothy concluded. "You're jealous. That's why you're green too." Dorothy added. "Not true!" Zelena insisted. "Well I'm sorry. I can't help you." Dorothy stated. Zelena got mad and flew away. Then a pink bubble appeared and Glenda showed up with her 3 year old daughter Giselle and Giselle's twin brother James. "Don't worry about her. I've known her since before she was green. She'll always be like that and there's nothing we can do to stop that. Unless she can get over being jealous, there's really nothing we can do." Glenda explained and Dorothy sighed. Glenda left in her bubble with her kids.
      Snow woke up in the kitchen and looked around. "David!" Snow called. "Snow!" David called from his room. "Snow! David!" Grumpy called from Emma's room. Grump's brothers ran to him. "Let's find Snow and Davis." Grumpy stated. Finally Snow and David found each other and hugged. Then they kissed passionately on the lips. "Where's Emma?" Snow asked. "I don't know." David replied. Then Grumpy and the rest of the dwarves walked over. Snow grwbbef Emma and hugged Grumpy. Then Snow and David hugged Emma.
      "Ugh! They ruined my plans. I will forever hate Rumpelstiltskin and the Evil Queen. I will get them and the others. They'll pay for this. I guess I'll just need to find a new way to master my evil plan." The mysterious guy explained.

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