Chapter 37: Family Reunion!

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    "So that's we're she's trapped?" Anna asked. "Yes." Elsa replied. "Where do you want to do this?" Anna asked. "Kristoff.... Watch Hunter. Anna follow me." Elsa stated and they did.
       Anna and Elsa were in the caverns below. "Is this the right place to do it?" Anna asked. Elsa put her index finger on her mouth telling Anna to be quiet. Anna nodded in agreement. Elsa stopped and Anna stopped too. Elsa took the urn from Anna. Elsa held the urn a little bit away from her body and then opened it. Wind came out of the urn and it started to shake. They both closed their eyes. Then it stopped and they both opened their eyes. They saw a girl standing real elegant in a white dress and a white tiara. "Who are you?" The girl asked. "Are you Ingrid? Anna asked. "Yes. Now who are you?" Ingrid asked again. "I am Queen Elsa of Arrendalle and this is princess Anna of Arrendalle." Elsa greeted elegantly. "So you guys must be my sister Gerda's daughters." Ingrid realized and they both nodded in agreement. "Where is my dear sister?" Ingrid asked. "She's...." Anna started but couldn't finish. "Dead." Elsa finished. "That's a shame, I was hoping to have a family reunion." Ingrid stated. "You still can. With us." Anna stated with a small smile. Ingrid smiled too. "Follow us." Elsa stated and she did.
    They entered a big room in the castle. Elsa and Anna stood next to each other smiling. Elsa held onto one of Anna's arms. Ingrid stood across from them. "I'm guessing you have a lot of questions." Ingrid stated. "We found moms diary.... So all of our previous questions are answered." Elsa stated and Ingrid nodded. "We are so happy to have more family!" Anna exclaimed and Elsa laughed. Ingrid nodded. "I have the same powers as you. I'm glade I finally know how I got them." Elsa exclaimed and Ingrid laughed. "I'm glade my powers have grown in the family. As far as I know I'm the first person in the family who got these powers. That I know of though." Ingrid explained.
      Then they door opened and they all looked towards it. Then Olaf ran over there, followed by Kristoff holding a baby. "Who are they?" Ingrid asked. "This is Olaf. I made him with my powers." Elsa stated. "Wow. You're advanced." Ingrid complemented and Elsa smiled. "This is my husband Kristoff and our son." Hunter." Anna stated taking Hunter into her arms. Anna and Kristoff kissed on the lips. "May I hold her?" Ingrid asked and Anna nodded. Anna handed Hunter to Ingrid and she bounced her.
    Then Jack flew in and Ingrid handed Hunter back to Anna. "And who are you?" Ingrid asked. "This is my boyfriend, Jack Frost." Elsa stated. "Nice to meet you." Ingrid stated. "Jack.... This is my Aunt I told you about." Elsa stated. "Nice to meet you." Jack stated. Jack flew and landed by Elsa. Kristoff had his arm around Anna as she held Hunter. Elsa and Anna linked arms as Jack had his arm around Elsa. Olaf was on Kristoff's shoulder. "You guys seem like a.... Close happy family." Ingrid stated. "We are." Elsa stated and they all smiled. "Now you're a part of it." Anna stated and Ingrid smiled. She joined them and they group hugged.

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