Chapter 24: Forgiveness Part 1!

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       Belle was laying in her bed having a hard time sleeping. She has way too much on her mind to sleep. She rolled over and sighed. Then she heard her babies cry with her baby monitor and groaned. She got up and walked over to them. She changed and fed them. Then she rocked them until they went to sleep and put them back in their crib.
       The morning came and Belle woke up. She only got a couple of hours asleep so she's tired. She checked her babies and they were both asleep so she left them. She went down stairs and ate breakfast with everyone. Then she took a shower and got dressed. She put her hair in a ponytail.
    There was a knock on the door and Robin got it. Belle walked down the stairs with Skyler and Randy. Snow, David, Emma, and Red were there. "Come in!" Robin invited. "Dinner is being made." Robin added. Regina walked in and greeted them.
    Red and Belle were sitting next to each other on the couch. "Could I hold one?" Red asked. "Of course!" Belle replied. Red grabbed Randy and started rocking him. "So, how's everything going?" Belle asked. "Good." Red responded. "How's everything going with you?" Red asked. "Good." Belle replied. There was a moment of silence. "Okay, Belle. You're the only person who knows how I feel." Red stated. "Yeah?" Belle asked. "How are you handling it so well?" Red asked. "I'm not. Last night I only got a few hours of sleep and not because of the twins. I kept thinking about Rumple." Belle explained and Red nodded. "You seem to be holding it in." Belle stated. "But I'm not." Red stated. "Do you ever want to go back to Pinocchio?" Belle asked. "All of the time." Red replied. "What stops you?" Belle asked. "Everyone around me. What they say about him and say he's a really bad guy. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not with him because of me and my decision or because of everyone else and what they think." Red explained. "Oh." Belle sighed. "Is everything okay?" Red asked. "Yeah. But I think that's also why I'm not with Rumple. The only person who wants us together is Balefire." Belle explained. There was a moment of silence. "You need to follow your heart. Wherever it leads you, follow it." Red stated. "You're right. Maybe you need to do the same." Belle suggested. Belle put Skyler in the twins playpen and Red did the same with Randy.
     They all ate dinner together. They talked, laughed, joked, and had fun. After dinner Snow, David, Emma, and Red stated for a bit longer but then they eventually left back home.
     Rumple opened his door and couldn't believe his eyes. "Belle?" Rumple asked. Belle walked in and put the twins off to the side and then she looked at him deep in the eyes. "I realized something today. Everyone around me is saying how bad a person you are and I think I'm listening to them subconsciously and that's partly why I'm not with you. But you can't expect me to forget everything and to just be with you blindly. I know you're not using magic as much, which means a lot to me. I know you still love me and care about me. I love you and care about you too. I want to be with you! The only unimaginable fate is one without you." Belle explained and Rumple smiled. They kissed passionately on the lips.
      Belle moved back in with Rumple and they're like one big happy family again.

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