Chapter 40: The Snow Queen!

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     Ingrid watched Elsa and Anna talk and laugh like real sisters, like she use to with her sisters. They hugged and then Anna walked upstairs to check on Hunter. Elsa walked over to Ingrid. "Is everything okay?" Elsa asked. "Yeah." Ingrid reassured. "Yeah.... I mean.... I guess." Ingrid replied with a sigh. "What's wrong?" Elsa asked. "Honestly, I miss my sisters." Ingrid stated. "Understood." Elsa stated. "You said you had Gerda's diary. Did she mention what happened to our third sister?" Ingrid asked. "Yeah. It said you killed her." Elsa stated. "Then why are you so welcoming with me?" Ingrid asked. "Because it was an accident." Elsa responded. "Your mother doesn't even know the full story. All she knows is that I killed her." Ingrid stated. "What's the full story?" Elsa asked. "It was getting close to time for Helga to get married to the Duke of Wesleton. I was out back by myself holding the urn. He came over and was pleased to meet me finally, a little too pleased. He started making moves on me and kissing me. I tried to stop him and shot my powers, it didn't hit him though. Apparently he wanted to become king, since I was the oldest I was next in line for the thrown. He called me a monster. Then Helga came over and he tried to pin everything on me. He got mad when she believed me and not him. She knew I would never do anything like that. He tried to attack her and I tried to stop him with my powers and I accidentally hit Helga which killed her. The duke ran away and Gerda came over and saw. She didn't even give me time to explain. She just grabbed the urn and put me in there." Ingrid explained. "Wow!" Elsa exclaimed. "Did you even know about me or Helga?" Ingrid asked. "No." Elsa replied and Ingrid nodded holding back tears. "But no one did." Elsa added and Ingrid's head shot up. "What do you mean?" Ingrid asked. "In her diary she mentioned that she went to the rock trolls to make everyone forget that you two ever existed." Elsa explained. "What?" Ingrid asked. "Yeah." Elsa replied. Ingrid sighed and Elsa walked away to give her some space.
    Anna was extremely tired from watching Hunter. He's asleep now but now she can't sleep. Kristoff is asleep next to her on the bed. She looked at him and smiled. She got up, put her hair in a ponytail, and walked down stairs. She walked into the dinning room, which leads to the kitchen, and saw Ingrid. "What are you doing up?" Anna asked. "Can't sleep." Ingrid replied as Anna sat down. "You?" Ingrid asked. "Same. But I have an excuse. I have a baby. What's your excuse?" Anna asked. "I don't know." Ingrid replied and Anna nodded. "I need my sisters. Good sisters that won't betray me." Ingrid stated. "What?" Anna asked. "You're just like your mother!" Ingrid exclaimed. "Thank you." Anna stated. "That's not a complement." Ingrid stated. "I thought you two were close " Anna stated. "We were.... Until she trapped me in that urn." Ingrid stated. "Well I would never do that to Elsa." Anna stated. "Yes you would. You normal people are the same. You don't understand us magical people." Ingrid stated. "I love Elsa. You and my mom has issues after you killed Helga, but that was you guys. Elsa would never kill anyone especially her sister. Even if she did I wouldn't put her in an urn because it would be an accident and I would help her get threw it." Anna explained. "Are you saying I don't love my sisters and that we're not as close as you and Elsa?" Ingrid asked. "No, of course not!" Anna responded. Ingrid stood up. "I will get my sisters and they will have magical powers like me!" Ingrid exclaimed. She walked off and Anna was confused.
       The next day Elsa and Ingrid were talking. Ingrid walked off and gave Anna a dirty look. Anna walked over to Elsa. "Could we talk?" Anna asked. "Of course!" Elsa replied. "It's about Ingrid." Anna stated. "What about her?" Elsa asked. I think she's up to something." Anna admitted. "What do you mean?" Elsa asked. "I don't trust her. She said something about me being in the way and about getting two magical replacement sisters." Anna explained. "I'm sure you misunderstood." Elsa stated. "I didn't misunderstand anything." Anna stated. "If you're jealous that she's going to replace you then you don't have to be. She's a new family member but she will never replace you. I love you." Elsa explained. Anna blinked away her tears. "I can't believe you!" Anna exclaimed and ran out the castle doors.
   Anna walked to the barn where Kristoff is. She was about to walk in when Olaf stopped her. "I heard you talking to Elsa." Olaf stated. "Great! Do you think I'm crazy too?" Anna asked holding back her tears. "No. I believe you!" Olaf responded and Anna smiled. They hugged and Olaf walked off.
      Anna walked in the barn and saw Kristoff feeding Sven. "Hey." Anna greeted. "Hi." Kristoff greeted and turned around to face her. Anna explained everything to him. "Do you believe me?" Anna asked. "I think it's a little far fetched but I trust your judgement.... And I trust you." Kristoff explained. They got closer together and looked into each others eyes and smiled. Then they hugged and kissed. Then they walked out of the barn holding hands.
    Anna decided to go to the rock trolls to look up Ingrid a little better. "Hello Anna." Papa troll greeted. "Hey." Anna greeted. "Is there something you need?" Papa troll asked. "Could you tell me something about Ingrid?" Anna asked. "How do you know that name?" Papa troll asked. "In our moms diary. We freed her." Anna replied. "This is not good!" Papa troll stated. "Why?" Anna asked. "She's very dangerous! What happened with her is the reason why your parents went over seas." Papa troll explained. "The one that got them killed?" Anna asked. "Yes. They went to find a cure for Elsa, they didn't want her to end up like your aunt." Papa troll explained. "What?" Anna asked. "They left to find a cure for Elsa's powers." Papa troll explained. Anna sighed. "Elsa doesn't believe me and I don't think Ingrid likes me. Honestly, I'm sort of afraid of her. What do I do?" Anna asked. "Tell her that I told you to not trust her, that she is dangerous and unreliable." Papa troll explained and Anna nodded in agreement and then left.
   Anna was on a cliff to get home. Then all of a sudden, the ground started to shake. Anna tried to hold on but after a while she lost her grip and fell. She grabbed the ledge and tried to climb back up but couldn't. She started to slip and tried to hold on tighter. But then she completely lost her grip and fell to the ground hurting her head. She became unconscious. Then Ingrid stood over her body. She looked up at the cliff and back down at Anna. She waved a hand over Anna's body and she disappeared in snow, then she took disappeared in snow. But they didn't know that someone saw.
Start of Flashback!
     "Hey my sweet Belle." Rumple greeted as Belle woke. They're both completely naked and are in bed together. "Hey yourself." Belle greeted. They kissed each other quick. "The twins?" Belle asked. "Changed, fed, and are in the playpen in their room playing joyfully." Rumple replied and Belle smiled. "Balefire?" Belle asked. "He hate and now he's playing video games in his room." Rumple replied and Belle smiled. They took a shower together and then got dressed. "I'm going to go on a walk." Belle stated. "Okay. Be back soon and be careful." Rumple stated and Belle smiled.
   Belle was on her walk when the ground started to shake. She was on the ground trying to stay steady. The ground stopped shaking and Belle looked up. She saw a girl standing over an unconscious Anna. Belle gasped and ran the other way all the way back home.
End of Flashback!
   Belle came home and went over to Rumple. "Hello my sweet Belle." Rumple greeted and Belle put on a fake smile and waved. "Have an enjoyable walk?" Rumple asked and Belle didn't say anything as her fake smile faded. "What's wrong?" Rumple asked walking over to her. "We need to talk." Belle stated and Rumple listened.

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