Chapter 33: Truth Hurts!

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    Elsa was shocked by the truth. She couldn't believe it. She slammed the book and layed down thinking. What happened? Why didn't her mom mention two sisters she apparently loved? Why did she lie? What caused her to not want her kids around them? There has to be more answers in the attack, and Elsa will find them.
     Elsa was in the attack looking around. She opened a chest and saw a book. She picked it up and looked at the cover. "Gerda's diary." Elsa read. She opened it up to the first entry. "Dear Diary, I can't believe it! Ingrid has powers! She just found out about them just like me and Helga. We decided to keep it a secret, just the three of us. Her powers are ice and snow and stuff like that, it's really cool. I wish I had powers too. Ingrid saved us with her powers, that's how we all found out about them. She's scared but she's strong, I hope she realizes it and gets threw this. But Helga and I will always be at her corner and support her, no matter what. We're sister for life and will always be close." Elsa read. "That's how I got my powers! From my Aunt Ingrid!" Elsa exclaimed. Elsa turned to about the middle of the diary. "Dear Diary, I can't believe Helga is getting married! Ingrid is still closing herself out from the world. We're going to meet Helga's husband in two days. We're throwing a ball and everything. Ingrid won't be there though. Helga really hopes Ingrid goes to her wedding, so do I. Ingrid hasn't hurt anyone yet, she has no reason to worry. I hope everything works out." Elsa read. "They seem happy." Elsa stated. Elsa turned to the last page. Elsa realized there were wet circles on this page, like tears. "I can't believe it! Helga is dead! Ingrid killed her with her stupid ice powers. I wish she never got them. Now.... For the first time I'm actually scared of her. I had no choice. There's a vase sort of thing that can trap someone with powers in there. I had to. A part of me misses her and wishes I didn't.... But the other part of me is saying it was the right thing, she's a monster. I went to the rock trolls and had them make everyone forget about my sisters. I'm doing what's best for everyone." Elsa read. "That's why!" Elsa exclaimed. Elsa couldn't believe believe it. She had to tell Anna.
      Elsa ran down the stairs and into Anna's room, but she wasn't there. Elsa turned around and saw Anna walking in. "Hey." Anna greeted. "We need to talk." Elsa stated and Anna nodded in agreement. They sat down on Anna's bed. Elsa gave Anna the photo album and diary and explained everything to her. "Are you sure?" Anna asked. "Positive." Anna replied. Elsa and Anna hugged.

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