Chapter 31: Maleficent!

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     Maleficent was in her layer in her castle just thinking. She's the last one, it's up to her. She's mildly angry. She wants her baby back. "This time.... Evil will win!" Maleficent exclaimed.
    Snow was at her castle. She put Lily down and took Emma from David. David went out to make sure the kingdom is under control. Snow calmed her down and put her in her playpen. Then Grumpy ran in the castle. "What's wrong?" Snow asked. "Maleficent is outside. David is trying to deal with it." Grumpy replied. "Get Lily from her crib and put her in the playpen with Emma. Then you and the rest of the dwarves watch them." Snow demanded and Grumpy nodded in agreement. Snow ran to the weapons room and grabbed a sword. Then she ran outside with her husband.
    "Give me my baby!" Maleficent exclaimed. "We're helping!" Snow exclaimed. "How? By taking her away from her mother?" Maleficent asked. "By giving her a bigger and brighter life!" Snow exclaimed. Maleficent wanted to hurt Snow but David was in front of Snow. So Maleficent decided to hurt David and then Snow. Maleficent pointed her staff at David and shot something green at him, but Snow pushed him out of the way and it hit her. She flew back and hit the castle wall. A big hole appeared on the castle wall and she was in there filled with dust and bricks. "Snow!" David exclaimed. Maleficent looked up and saw the dwarves with two babies playing in a playpen. Maleficent was about to walk in there but David jumped in front of her to stop her. She was about to shock him too but then she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw a sword in her stomach. She turned her head and saw the person holding the sword was.... Regina. Regina pulled the sword out of Maleficent and she groaned in pain. She collapsed and David went over to Snow. Regina grabbed the staff. She called Dr. Welsh and then left with Maleficent.
     Regina put Maleficent in her dungeon in the cage next to Ursula. She looked at the three villains and then went back up with her family.
     Snow was in the hospital for a week. She got out with a few stitches on her forehead. She woke up out of the coma within a few days but they wanted to keep her for test. She's better now and has both girls in her life. They're a happy family.

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