Chapter 30: Ursula!

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    "There's no way of getting her!" Maleficent exclaimed. "So we're just letting them take her?" Ursula asked. "That's all we can do! She was foolish and now she's locked with magic. She's gone. It's up to me! If I can get the magic I want then I can over power Regina and get her out!" Maleficent explained. "Okay." Ursula agreed.
      Anna was taking care of her baby boy, Hunter. Kristoff walked in and took him from her and gave her a peck on the lips. "What's that for?" Anna asked. "You haven't slept all night. Get some rest, I'll take care of Hunter." Kristoff responded and Anna smiled. "Okay.... But wake me up by dinner. Tonight is the night we meet Elsa's new boyfriend." Anna stated. "Right, okay." Kristoff agreed. "You forgot, didn't you?" Anna asked. "No, now get some sleep." Kristoff stated and left. Anna laughed and then layed down and fell asleep fast.
      Kristoff was taking care of Hunter in Hunters room since Anna is sleeping in his room. Elsa knocked on the door and walked in. "Hi." Elsa greeted. "Hey." Kristoff greeted. "Where's Anna?" Elsa asked. "Resting." Kristoff replied. "Well Jack is coming a little early." Elsa stated. "Okay. But try and wait til dinner to wake her. She didn't sleep at all last night." Kristoff suggested. "Okay." Elsa agreed. "What's this guys name again?" Kristoff asked. "Jack Frost." Elsa replied. "You said he has powers just like you, right?" Kristoff asked. "Yeah. He's a guardian. He can fly too and has a magic frost stick he uses." Elsa explained. "Sounds cool." Kristoff stated and Elsa nodded. "I'm going to go and make sure everything is okay." Elsa stated and Kristoff nodded. Then Elsa left.
     Anna was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden she found it hard to breathe. She opened her eyes and looked down, she was in the air, being choked. Ursula was choking her. She tried to scream but found it difficult. But then the glass in the window broke in smitherings. Ursula dropped Anna on the floor and she held her hand at her neck and started gasping for air. She turned her head and saw some guy floating with a stick. He pointed the stick at Ursula and then she was frozen like a statue. Elsa and Kristoff ran to the room but the door was locked. So, Elsa used her power and froze it and broke it. They ran in and saw a frozen Ursula, a flying guy holding a stick, and a Anna gasping for air. They ran over to Anna. "Jack?" Elsa asked. "That's your boyfriend?" Kristoff asked. "Yeah. That's him." Elsa replied.
     Kristoff fixed the window and Elsa introduced everyone to Jack. They're dinner was interrupted. They helped Anna feel better. Kristoff took care of Anna and Hunter as Elsa and Jack took Ursula to Regina's. Regina put Ursula in her dungeon, the the cage next to Cruella. Cruella is in the cage by the wall and Ursula is next to her.
     "Two down, one to go." Regina stated. "Yeah." Snow stated. "Okay, what's wrong now?" Regina asked. "Are you sure it's a good idea to take Lily away from her mom?" Snow asked and Regina sighed. "Normally, I would say no. But Maleficent is a bad person and will probably give her child love but will teach her and force to be evil. Then in 20 years when she attacks, us or our kids will have to stop her and you'll feel bad because you could have stopped her, you could have made sure she was good." Regina explained. Snow sighed and put her head down. "Is that what you want?" Regina asked. "No.... You're right. This is for the best, I mean she'll have a bigger and brighter furure with me." Snow stated and Regina smiled.
     Maleficent put Lily in her crib and left to the next room. Maleficent got her bed ready and hopped into the shower. Regina used magic and appeared in the babies room with Snow. "I'll guard watch, get Lily." Regina stated and walked to the doorway. Snow walked to the crib and smiled at Lily. Lily made noises and Snow couldn't help but smile. "Hurry! You'll have time to admire her later!" Regina exclaimed. Snow took a deep breath and picked Lily up.     Regina ran over to Snow and grabbed her while Snow held Lily in her other hand. Then Maleficent walked in and she was only wearing a towel. She gasped at what she saw. "Please! Don't!" Maleficent pleaded. "I'm sorry." Snow stated and they vanished with Regina's magic.

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