Chapter 47: Drowing!

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   "How? I thought you'd never do anything I want?" Ingrid asked. "It's temporary. 72 hours." Elsa replied and Ingrid nodded. "Why go threw that?" Ingrid asked. "It's for be to know and you to find out!" Elsa exclaimed and Ingrid nodded. Elsa and Emma walked off leaving Ingrid and surprised confused.
      Anna and Kristoff were in a treasure box in the water. The water was getting up closer to them. They're trying to survive and help the other survive. Anna fell under the water but Kristoff brought her back up. "You can do this.... Do it for me, for Hunter, for Elsa." Kristoff stated and Anna nodded in agreement. Anna was breathing in and out trying to calm down, then tears fell out of her eyes. "Hey, hey. Don't cry." Kristoff stated wiping her tears off her cheeks with his thumbs. He cuped her face in his hands. "We'll get threw this! We will surive!" Kristoff exclaimed. "I know, It's just...." Anna started as she sniffled. "I'm scared. I don't get scared easy but I am scared. I want to see Hunter and Elsa again. Elsa and Jack will take care of Hunter. But Elsa has lost so much. Our parents, most of our childhood was destroyed because of her powers and our parents were scared. Then we find out about a lost aunt and she turns out to be evil and she doesn't even believe me. What if Ingrid hurts her? Even though I won't be around I still don't want Elsa to get hurt, I love her. Then what happens with Hunter? I love and miss him so much, my little baby.... My sister, and my husband. My sisters boyfriend. We'll all just.... Die!" Anna explained. "Don't think like that! We will get out of here and no one will die, everyone will be just fine!" Kristoff exclaimed. They both smile and kissed. "I love you!" Kristoff exclaimed. "I love you too!" Anna exclaimed. They held hands under the water and kissed passionately on the lips again. They're heads touched and they both sniffed.
      Elsa and Emma went to the beach and Elsa held the necklace closely tight to her. "I guess we were wrong! She's not here!" Emma exclaimed and Elsa were on the verge of tears. Elsa held squeezed the necklace with both hands and held it close to her chest! "Anna! I will find you! I have hope and I'm not giving up that hope, I can't.... Give up that hope! I will find you... And everything will be okay!" Elsa exclaimed and Emma just gave her a small smile. "I just.... I wish you were here with me." Elsa exclaimed.
       Then the water rustled and wind started to blow. "What's going on?" Elsa asked. "I don't know." Emma replied. The water rustled in the box too. "What's going on?" Anna asked. "I don't know." Kristoff replied.
The water started to flow in a circle. Then something hit and they got thrown back and fell to the ground. They looked up and saw that the water stopped spinning and there was a treasure box. Then the box opened and Anna and Kristoff sat up coghing and spitting up water. They stood up and Elsa stood up a bit. "Anna?" Elsa asked. Elsa stood up all of the way and saw it was her. "Anna!" Elsa exclaimed as she ran over to her. "Elsa!" Anna exclaimed. "I can't believe it! I found you!" Elsa exclaimed. "But how?" Anna asked. "I used your amulet to make a wish!" Elsa exclaimed. "My necklace, the wishing star!" Anna exclaimed. They both smiled. "I'd hate to break this up but, we have to stop the Snow Queen!" Emma exclaimed. "Okay.... I just need to do one more thing!" Elsa exclaimed. Then Elsa hugged Anna tight and Anna hugged Elsa back.
    They all went to the charmings castle with Hunter. "I need you too watch your son and their adopted daughters and them." Elsa stated. "Okay." Anna and Kristoff agreed in unison. Elsa and Emma left. Anna and Kristoff walked to the nursery and saw Snow out of her ice cage and she was sword fighting Regina. "You will not touch my baby!" Snow exclaimed. "Like you didn't get my boyfriend killed? You can't even keep a secret!" Regina exclaimed. "I was 10!" Snow exclaimed and charged at Regina. Anna ran to protect Lily. "I don't know who you are but disappear!" Regina exclaimed and Anna, Kristoff, and Hunter were on the beach again.

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