Chapter 10: Old Home!

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       Belle was looking everywhere for Rumple. She's walking to the castle. She has to get there before he kills her dad. She doesn't want Rumple to kill her Maurice. Mostly because she doesn't want Rumple t go down the dark path again, but also because Maurice is still her father. No matter their differences, she still loves him and doesn't want any harm to come to him. She can't let that happen no matter what. She loves him. She has Snow watching the twins. She finally got to the kingdom and ran even faster to the castle. When she got there the doors were locked. "Rumple! Rumple!" Belle called, but there was no answer. She felt tears in her eyes. She was scared of what was going to happen, but that had never stopped her before. 
        Meanwhile, as Belle tried to get into the castle, Rumple had tied her father up. "This will only prove to Belle that you're a monster." Maurice told him. "The only monster is the one who will kidnap an innocent child." Rumple commented. He vanished to the dungeons and got Baelfire, and then poofed him outside with Belle. "Balefire? How did you do that?" Belle asked. "Papa made me appear out here." Balefire replied and Belle was sighed. She's really worried now. "I'm glad you're safe." Belle told him, but he saw the look on her face. "What is papa doing?" Balefire asked. "I'm sure everything will be fine. He's good hearted, I know he is. He just.... Some people have evil following them for some reason, the evil wants them. They have to fight it off all of the time and it's hard. But they'll manage. He'll manage." Belle replied and Balefire nodded. "I hope you're right." Baelfire commented. "Wait. If you're not making chaos anymore, then is it all over?" Belle asked and Balefire shrugged. "I think so." Baelfire replied. They continued to try to get in.
       Rumple was torching Maurice as he screamed. "Stop! Please!" Maurice pleaded as Rumple put boiling water on his skin. "You never.... Mess with my children or wife again!" Rumple exclaimed. "Okay, okay. I surrender. I won't mess with you guys anymore. I'll leave you alone, I swear." Maurice insisted. "Too late." Rumple told him and Maurice screamed. Belle finally got in and ran. She told Balefire to stay, but of course, he didn't. When she got there she saw Rumple with an athame about to kill her father. "Stop! Don't!" Belle pleaded. "But he tried to hurt our happiness. He tried to take you and my son away." Rumple told her, squeezing the spiritual dagger even tighter. "I know what he did and karma will get him. He will pay for his wrongs, I just know it. But I don't want you to kill him because it'll hurt you and you might be evil. I can't let the evil win. You are not evil, so don't let it consume you." Belle explained and Rumple felt himself crying. So was Belle and Balefire, whom just got there. "Look at your son. Do you want to loose him again because of evil? Or me for that matter? Killing him will ruin your happiness. Please!" Belle pleaded. "Too late." Maurice exclaimed as he got free. He then threw a vial at Rumple and Rumple started chocking and fell to the ground. Belle and Balefire ran over to him. "What was that?" Balefire asked. "A potion. It turns you evil. But it only works if your about to let the evil consume you or if you use to be evil or at least acted evil. This case it's both so he'll be even more evil when he gets up." Maurice explained.
       Rumple started to get up and Belle got out of the way and took Balefire with her. "Rumple? Are you okay?" Belle asked. But there was no answer. "Papa?" Balefire asked then Rumple turned around. Then Maurice threw another potion at him. "What did that one do?" Belle asked. "It makes you forget about the people you love most." Maurice replied. "Hello deary. Since everyone looks scared I'm guessing you broke a deal. There is always a price with magic!" Rumple exclaimed then threw a fire ball at Belle and Balefire who got out of the way. "Please remember!" Belle pleaded, but Rumple threw another fire ball. "Papa?" Balefire asked. "Papa? I'm not a papa." Rumple replied and threw another fire ball. Belle held Balefire close to her. Rumple grabbed the athame and went towards them. "Sorry." Belle apologized and then kicked him in the face. He stumbled back and dropped the athame so Belle picked it up. "You can't kill me with that." Rumple told her and Belle gulped. "I know." Belle agreed. Belle looked at the athame and pushed Balefire out of the way so he won't get hurt.
        Belle knew what she had to do. She took a deep breath and put the athame at her neck and Rumple was shocked. "What are you going to do, dearie?" Rumple asked feeling something hurt in his heart. But he didn't know what or why. Belle took another deep breath. "If I kill myself, then you will remember. A sacrifice of someone you love can make you remember. It's not garenteed but I have to give it a shot. You have to be good and remember your son, and the twins. You'll miss me, but at least you'll have them. But if this doesn't work Balefire will have to run." Belle replied and Balefire started crying. "No." Baelfire commented. Belle sniffed and continued. "This is how it has to be." Belle told him. "Why would you kill yourself? None of this makes since." Rumple told her. "It will, after. But you can't kill my father, then it'll consume you again. Just think about Balefire." Belle told him. "Belle." Maurice commented, shocked. "I love you." Belle told her husband and was about to cut her throat when Balefire stopped her. "Don't! Please! I need a mother! I need you as my mother!" Balefire pleaded. "All you need is your father. It'll be fine. I have to." Belle told her and then Balefire realized something. "Wait.... What about true loves kiss? It breaks any spell or curse." Balefire suggested and then Belle removed the athame from her neck and dropped it.
      Belle went over to kiss Rumple but that failed and he stopped her. He grabbed that athame and put it at Belle's neck. "Goodbye, deary." Rumple commented, but Belle stopped him. "Wait.... You didn't try anything when I was going yo kill myself. You didn't try to kill me or Balefire, because you knew we were on to something. You felt it in your heart and you know deep down that this isn't the right thing and this isn't what you want to do. Just listen to your heart." Belle explained and Rumple was about to remove it but put it back. "What kind of game are you playing?" Rumple asked. "I'm not, I swear." Belle replied. Then Balefire kicked him in the shin making him scratch Belle's cheek and he dropped it. Then Belle kissed him and the whole ground shook. They looked into each others eyes. "Belle." Rumple commented and they both smiled. They hugged and then kissed again, and then Baelfire joined the hug. Rumple turned to Maurice. "Stay away from my wife and children." Rumple demanded and Maurice nodded in agreement. 

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