Chapter 22: Awkward!

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   It's been a week since Belle has moved out of the castle. They both miss each and haven't spoke since. Belle kept the twins and moved into Regina's castle. They've made up and now their friends. Red is still living in Snows castle so this is the best right now.
   Belle got up, took a shower, and got dressed. Belle changed and fed Skyler and Randy. Then she put them in her double stroller and left the room. She walked down the stairs and Regina walked up to her. "Where are you going?" Regina asked. "To Rumple's." Belle replied trying to hide her excitement. "Why are you going back to him? I want you to be happy and all but he just hurts you." Regina asked. "He cares and loves me. He's a great and good guy. His heart is true and pure. He just cares a little too much about power. Just because I left him doesn't mean I don't care about him or I don't miss him everyday. I will never stop loving him. I told him that I need some time away, that's all." Belle explained and there was a moment of silence. "Besides, I'm not going over there to be with him. I'm giving him the twins for the day and Balefire wants to see me for the day so we're going to switch and then switch back tomorrow." Belle explained and Regina nodded. Then Belle left to Rumple's.
       Belle knocked and Rumple answered right away. "Hey." Belle greeted. "Hey." Rumple greeted. There was an awkward moment of silence. "You wanna come in?" Rumple asked. "Sure." Belle replied and Belle walked in. Rumple went in the kitchen and made Belle coffee, the old fashioned way. "No magic?" Belle asked taking a sip. "Magic and power isn't the most important thing to me." Rumple replied and Belle had to hide a smile. "Balefire!" Rumple called and he ran down the stairs. Belle and Balefire hugged as Rumple took the stroller. Belle gave Rumple the empty cup and left with Balefire.
    Belle went back to Regina's. "So this is where you have been staying?" Balefire asked. "Yes." Belle replied with a smile. Then Regina and Robin walked up to them. "Hello." Regina greeted. "Hi!" Balefire greeted. "How about Robin show you to your room for the night and then we'll hang out all day." Belle suggested. "Sounds perfect!" Balefire exclaimed. Robin showed Balefire the room.
     "How was seeing him again?" Regina asked after a moment of silence. "Awkward." Belle replied sitting down. Regina sat next to her. "I can only imagine." Regina stated. "You've none Rumple longer then me." Belle stated. "Yeah." Regina agreed. "Well he went into the kitchen and made me some coffee and I asked 'no magic' and he said 'magic and power isn't the most important thing' and I couldn't help to smile." Belle explained. "Okay?" Regina asked confused by where this is going. Belle took a deep breath. "Should I believe him?" Belle asked. "Well, normally I would say no." Regina stated. Belle sighed putting her head down. "But...." Regina started and Belle's head shot up. "He's never felt this way about anyone and be obviously does love you." Regina finished. "So?" Belle asked. "It's up to you in the long run." Regina responded and Belle nodded. Robin, Rowland, Hope, and Balefire came down. Robin and Regina kissed and then they took their kids out for a walk. Belle and Balefire started their day.
      It's been several hours and they're having fun. "Could I ask you a question?" Balefire asked. "Of course!" Belle responded. "Are you and dad going to get back together?" Balefire asked. "I don't know." Belle replied. "He misses you so much. The only thing keeping him from killing those three bad women is him being afraid he'll loose you. He's barely used any magic since you left. He's doing everything the old fashioned way." Balefire explained and Belle smiled. "I love him and miss him, and their might be a possibility that we'll get back together." Belle stated and Balefire smiled. They hugged and continued what they were doing.
    The next day Belle and Balefire walked to Rumple's castle. They traded back kids and just started at each other. "Belle...." Rumple started. "Don't." Belle stated and Rumple sighed. Belle had the urge to kiss him but ignored it and just left without another word.

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