Carl |Imagine 1

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~Your P.O.V.~
The crystal water was still, quiet, and not another drop in the lake.

"Don't be such a chicken!" Carl says, ripping his shirt off.

I couldn't speak and I folded my arms around my waist.

"I'll show you how its done!" Carl exclaims, showing off.

He makes a run towards the ledge and jumps off, creating a big splash. The water was so dark, you could barely see him swim up. He gasps for air and rubs his eyes.

"Ya see? It's easy. Jump in, I promise you won't drown." Carl says focusing all attention on me.

I found the confidence to go in by quickly taking off my shirt with my shorts left to take off. Carl gazes at me stripping down, then quickly looks away, blushing.

I roll my eyes and smirk, slowly tip-toeing into the cold water.

"Are you kidding? It's freezing!" I say smiling.

"Let me come with you, if you're that scared." Carl says swimming to you.

I quickly get out of the water, to be a nuisance while Carl slowly walks out of the water ready to help me.

"Come with me," Carl says gripping my hand leading you to the dock.

" Nnn-ooo! CARL!"

He holds my hand tighter and jumps, pulling me down with him. A huge splash corrupts, and I sink fast. I was about to let go of his hand, then he held it tighter swimming up to 'save' me, as his intentions followed. I reach the top and take a deep breath. I let go his hand, rub my eyes and open them to Carl's face smiling at me.

"I wasn't that bad, was it?" Carl smirks.

"No, I'm glad you shoved me in." I say blushing.

"Good, you need to let go." Carl says focusing on my eyes.

"Come here," Carl says reaching out for your hand.

I had no hesitation and grip his hand. He pulls my body closer to his. I wrap my legs around his back, clinging to him.
He walks out further into the lake as he smiles and can't stop looking into my eyes.

"Carl, What if Rick see's us? Or Michonne, Glenn, Daryl or Maggie?" I ask worried.

"It's okay, they would never find us here." Carl whispers.

"You, sure?" I ask a little more relived.

"Positive." Carl says, with a reassuring voice.

Carl stared just watching me, intently looking at my face, so in love.

I swim towards the dock, resting my head on the edge of it.

"What cha' thinking about?" He asks.

"Just, the way how the world used to be before, the apocalypse, so beautiful and untouched." I say deep in thought.

"I miss the world the way it was before too." He responds looking back at trees and the lakeside.

"I want to do something, before we go" Carl says, eagerly.

"What's that?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Shhh," Carl says pressing his finger against my lips.

He walks quickly to the shallow side leading me with him.

He crashes into my lips and I run my fingers through his thick dark brown hair. I pull away from our mini-make-out session. Carl gives me a confused look, I just had a feeling someone would see us.

"Wow," I say cheerful.

"What's wrong?" He says.

"Nothing." I say lying to him.

"If nothing was wrong, then you wouldn't pull way." Carl says in his deep raspy voice.

He grabs my hips before I could walk away. He then grabs the back of neck and crashes his lips on mine once again. I kiss back of course, because I was more comfortable with him. Since we were near the shore I faintly heard leaf crunches. If it was a walker, Carl had his gun on him.

"Carl?" A voice shouts.

I stop kissing and have an ashamed look on my face. I had heard a voice that I didn't want to hear. Ricks voice.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now