Carl| Imagine 26

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I only have a few more requests left then I will start back up with writing your point of view again because I miss it, this imagine is for ashley5143 enjoy and thanks for being patient. (Vote if your excited for Fear The Walking Dead tonight!)
Ashley's P.O.V.
I've been out here for a while. If stumble upon people, fight them, kill them if I have too. Soon enough I stopped my tracks and looked up to see walls and watch guard towers.
"Stop! Right now!" A man with a red mullet screams and alarmed his group as they pointed their guns at me.
I put my hands up and drop my gun and roll my eyes, been through this so many times, it was like a routine for me.
A girl from behind the gate slowly opened it and took me in there.
"What's your name?" She asked while pulling me to a house.
"Ashley," I groaned.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"Rosita," She quickly said.
She harshly pulled me to the porch of some resident that was living there.
She knocked on the door and stomped her foot in inpatients.
Bam, a teenage boy opened the door who stood broadly, with a serifs hat and ocean blue eyes. He slowly looked up at me while his eyes widened, he swallowed hard and blushed.
"Who is this?" The teenage boy said licking his lips.
"Ashley," I said a little more quiet.
"New here?" He asked.
"Yeah, Rosita brought me up here for some reason." I say looking into his beautiful eyes.
Rosita rolled her eyes, "I came to bring her to Rick, not you Carl."
"I'll bring Ashley in," Carl grabbed my hand and led me inside.
"Dad!" Carl yelled up the stairs,
"We have a visitor to meet with,"
Carl led me to the kitchen and told me to have a seat. Carl pulled out a walkie talkie, "Hello everyone, important group meeting at our house, come in the kitchen."
I wasn't stupid on what the group meeting would be about, it's probably about me and maybe living here, I thought.
Soon enough Rick came down the stairs with a disgusted look on his face with everyone else piled in. They all say at the kitchen table and stared at me.
"Why are you here?" Rick asked.
"Well, I seen this place, and I was halted and now I'm here," I say bored.
After questions, they all whispered and made a decision,
"Alright, you are able to stay here for a while." Rick said.
"Carl, show her your room, she'll have to stay there for a while until we figure out further arrangements," Rick added.
My eyes widened to that statement while Carl blushed. He stood up and took my hand as he lead me up stairs. A teenage girl followed us upstairs.
"And this— is where you'll be sleeping," Carl paused, "With me."
The girl walked in, "I don't think we had a formal chance to meet yet, my name is Enid," She smiled.
After a few hours went by, I met everyone, and the place I was at was called Alexanrdria, and Enid became my best friend and we talked to each other everyday, and living with Carl was amazing, I have a huge crush on him, and I think he likes me too.
There was a small party/get together that Carl and I were going to. Everyone was there, expect for Judith. Carl introduced me to his friends Ron and Mikey. (lol, where did he go?)
Carl looked at me than all of a sudden out of nowhere he pulled me in close and kissed me, I was finally waiting for that moment, and it was a beautiful passionate kiss. It went silent until Enid was clapping for me. God, I love Alexanrdria.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now