Chandler| Imagine 7

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- Your P.O.V. -

Chandler wrestles me as I, crash on his soft queen size bed.

"Give me your phone!" Chandler says grabbing for my phone in my hand laughing.

"Chandler, why do you need it?" I say laughing while he's towering over me.

"I just wanna see something," Chandler says laughing and holding his hand out for my phone.

"I don't think so," I said putting my phone on my chest.

"Suit yourself them," Chandler says, starting to tickle me. I

I laugh uncontrollably, while my sides get ticked. I let go of my phone, and Chandler grabs my phone.

"Chandler!" I say getting up from his bed and chasing after him.

"Try to catch me!" Chandler says looking back while running through the halls.

I chase after Chandler as he grips my blue and silver chevron case.

He runs down the stairs and I follow after him. He leads towards the kitchen while, Chandler's Mom, Ginna-Ann stirs the noodles.

"Come and get me!" Chandler says crashing into his Mom.

"Chandler, what on earth are you doing?" Ginna asks, with a wooden spoon.

Chandler runs off, with my phone in his hands and I chase after as Ginna, waits for her question to be answered.

Chandler tracks back up the stairs; leading to his room. I still catch up out of breath. He opens the door and slides into his bed, trying to unlock my phone. I jump on the bed and sit next to him seeing him, struggling to get my password to unlock.

"Why is your phone screen set to Daryl?" Chandler asks looking up at me.

"I don't know," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Why do you care so much?" I say crossing my arms.

"I...Uhh..." Chandler stutters.

"Come on," I said raising my eyebrows.

"Fine, I don't know, I thought you had Carl as your screen saver." Chandler says sighing.

"Really? I think you were worried about Sam and I." I say.

"Yeah, that's it." Chandler says bitting his lips.

"Don't worry about it, I love you, I wouldn't hit up Sam." I say scooting closer to him and putting my arm around his shoulder.

"I love you too, I'm sorry for taking your phone." Chandler says wrapping his arms around my waist into a hug and letting me fall on the bed while he hugged me.

He looked at me right, in the eyes. His beautiful blue eyes dialed bigger and smaller while he was holding on me tightly.

He leaned in a for a kiss, while our lips collided while sitting up to make out. Our lips twisted as we enjoyed each others company.

"Dinners, Ready!" Ginna yells.

I pull away as, I seen Gray running past, Chandler's room.

"Hey, it will be our little secret." I say.

"Your secrets safe with me." Chandler says smiling.

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