Chandler| Imagine 17

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~Your P.O.V~
I woke up with a huge jolt causing me to sit up right away.

"It's Christmas!" Grayson yelled jumping on the bed.

"Chandler! Y/N! It's time to wake up! It's Christmas!" Grayson yelled again.

"We're up." Chandler mumbled snuggling closer to me.

"I'll see you down there in ten minutes!" Grayson said running out of Chandlers room.

Chandler looks up at me smiling.

"Merry Christmas,  baby." Chandler said hugging my waist.

"Merry Christmas, my love." I say smiling and reaching to cuddle with him.

In those brief moments, were together. Snuggled up, warm, and enjoying ourselves.

"We should get up, before Grayson gets mad at us." Chandler said sitting up and getting out of bed.

"Here, babe." Chandler said tossing a Santa hat to me.

"We can match." I say throwing a Rudolph onesie at him.

I had a Clairese one, that the hoods had Reindeer antlers on top.

Chandler picked me up, bridal style hulling me down the stairs. We both matched as I, buried my head into his chest.

He sets me down carefully, as Chandler manages to slide right next to me. Gina Ann and William are sitting on the couch next to us sipping coffee while, Grayson hands Chandler and I's stocking. This year Chandler and I decided that we should go youngest to oldest this year. Grayson is filled with joy carefully pulling out unexpected candy and small toys.

I had bought most things, for Chandler in his stocking and present wise. Chandler smiled looking at all the objects I got him. He pulled out an Apple Watch, his favorite candy. He lead me to the kitchen, pulling me under the mistletoe, locking our lips. Our Christmas miracle.
Heyyy! I want to thank you all so much for 3 thousand reads on my imagines! You guys are amazing, and I'm really sorry about my really bad Imagine last time. I was experiencing writers block so yeah. :)))

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