Carl| Imagine 19

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*Your P.O.V.*
"Is everything cool?" Carl wondered putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Everything's fine, except another Christmas without getting you something," I say sheepishly shy.

"My only present of you should be my sunshine being alive and well," Carl said wrapping his arms around me trying to make me feel better.

"Look, we have a celebration Christmas dinner in an hour. I'm sure that Jessie has a few things you could wear. She's right up stairs, if you would like to go up," Carl said enlightening the mood.

"Okay," I said smiling and starting towards Jessie.

"I've got a treat for you and I at the end of the night," Carl said winking.

"Alright then, I'll look my best for you," I say winking at back at Carl.

I jogged up the stairs to notice Jessie studying her self in the mirror. It turns out, it was actually my dress that she made for me. She smiled and gripped the end skirt of the dress.
I knocked softly not wanting to interrupt her.

"Oh my gosh! *Y/N* I'm so sorry! I was just... seeing if every thing fits," Jessie said like she was in trouble.

"Oh, don't apologize. It looks really good on you," I say complimenting her.

"Really? Thank you. This dress was made for you, I'm so sorry again. That was so rude of me-" Jessie said bantering.

"It's okay. Really though, I think you look awesome in that dress, I love, love, love the dress!" I say admiring the soft, silky dress texture.

"I'm glad you love it, and Carl will too," Jessie said winking and laughing.

"Haha! I'm sure he would," I say laughing.

"Let me give you, your dress back," Jessie said walking into the bathroom going to take it off.

A few moments later the dress folded by her forearms and given to me.

"See you tonight?" Jessie asked.

"See you tonight," I said winking.

I slipped on a small tight black dress, that looked amazing. I sat down in the kitchen, in house that Carl and I shared. I sighed while looking at the granite counter. 
'He probably when with Enid, the one who he really likes,'
I thought.

A knock grew heavy, almost a pound to demand to open the door.

"Coming!" I said running towards the door as my heels scratched the floor.

I open the door looking out but no one was there.

A hand covered my mouth, dragging me out side. I close my eyes tight thinking I was being ready to killed.
I breathed heavily, scared of what will happen next.

"Hey, calm down!" Carl said laughing and letting me go.

"Let's go to dinner, babe. You look great," Carl said cupping his hand around my jaw line.

"Thank you, you look very handsome," I say holding his hand.

"I would like to raise a glass to, *Y/N* and Carl for being so goddamn cute," Abraham said raising his glass to us.

"Same here, I'm very proud Carl. You are like a daughter to me," Rick said smiling.

I blushed of the compliments, it felt awkward being center of attention.

Carl kissed me, bitting my lip a little bit as everyone cheered until, Ron came in.

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