Chandler | Imagine 21

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Thank you so much for 9.k bbys! I love you all so much for reading my imagines, so thank you again. I hope you have an awesome holiday and enjoy!

     *Your P.O.V.*
"Almost ready?" Chandler said pulling his gray sweatshirt down.

"Yes, I just need to get my sweatshirt too," I say plummeting through my stuffed suitcase.

I finally found my matching sweatshirt to go with Chandlers. I slid it on over my Calvin Klein sports bra. I walked to the hotel door and laced up my black converse high tops.

"I cannot wait for a new year! This one has been kind of stressful," Chandler said sighing.

I nodded my head and kept quiet, I hated this year so much; reflecting on my depression is a place where I don't want to talk about but, that was before I met Chandler.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring that u–"

"It's okay," I say quietly interrupting him.

"We better get going before, traffic starts to hit. You know how New York can be," Chandler said rattling his car keys.

"I guess, let's go." I say opening the door for Chandler.

"I just want to say, I love you. I'm sorry if I've been acting weird lately. Stress has been gaining on me with Tokyo and -"

"Babe, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I love you too," I say interrupting him once again.

Chandler grinned at me and took a deep breath into relief. I grabbed his hand and held it tight as we walked to Times Square. We were very close to the paparazzi, trying to get Chandlers attention. I was watching Selena Gomez performance and gazed at Chandlers ice cold hand gripping mine. I looked back up at Chandler softly singing to "Same Old Love."  Chandler caught me looking at him and sung louder smiling. I smiled and sung to his volume. After the song ended, I pulled out my phone to check the time. It turned exactly 11:59 as I checked my phone. A small countdown risen from the crowd from 59 , 58 , 57 , 56 and so on. I couldn't wait for our New Years kiss. I zoned out to notice Chandler yelled 10 , 9 , 8 , I joined in. 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ! Chandler grabbed my sweatshirt and kissed me all at once. Our lips locked as everyone cheered for a Happy New Year.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now