Chandler | Imagine 30

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picture resource: @/lustandlove on twitter.

f|h|b = favorite hot beverage.

[13+ chapter]
au: waking up with Chandler/ a morning with Chandler.
that night was amazing. that night was last night. on August 9th 2016, at 12:00 am.
« readers p.o.v »
I awoke into a strong embrace from Chandlers warm arms. The sun poured a golden glow across the room causing myself to snuggle into Chandlers bare chest. I felt deep relaxation spreading through my body, creating my eyes to drift heavily, back into a peaceful slumber.
« chandler's p.o.v. »
I arise lightly looking at [y/n] restfully cuddled into my chest. I slid out from her laying on me, adjusting her head onto soft pillows near bye. Sneaking downstairs, I prepared her her favorite breakfast meal, while running a hot bath for her. I arranged her f|h|b to be on the edge of the white lining of the bath tub. I lit candles and set up a small tv for her to watch Netflix on, accompanied with a basket of bath bombs/bubbles of her choice. I planned and entire morning schedule for her and I to enjoy each other's company. I quickly grabbed the tray of her breakfast and her f|h|b, carefully up the stairs. I set both of those items down on her dresser, while I gently woke her up.
« readers p.o.v. »
I was slightly alarmed by being woken up, but then I seen Chandlers raspy morning face which made me smile.
I cautiously sat up, gently rubbing my eyes and spotting Chandler bringing me breakfast.
"Good morning babe," Chandler kissed my forehead and set the tray aside me.

"Good morning! You didn't have to do all of this Chandler," I said in shock.

"I love you so much, I couldn't let my queen be mistreated," Chandler cuddled next to me.

I smiled, and grabbed him, hugging him tight. I crested his chin by gently kissing his soft lips.

"I will let you be babe, enjoy your breakfast!" Chandler spoke, sneaking out the door.

"Not so fast, where do you think you're going?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"I want you to enjoy yourself, I don't want to be in your way," Chandler replied.

"I want to be with you, that makes me happy," I smirked.

He smirked back at me, and we finished my breakfast and bed session by cuddling and talking about our future together. Chandler treated me like a princess, the best a boy could ever treat a girl, the only way a boy should treat a girl. Chandler told me what he had planned for the rest of the morning, which gave me an idea.

I lead him to the bathroom, while a light bulb hit me, taking a bath together. We both undressed, he wrapped his arms around my waist, as he kissed my neck gently. He retraced the hickeys from last night, and gently went over them again. On opposite sides, we binge watched our favorite movies & shows together.

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