Carl| Imagine 2

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~ This Imagine, is for my best friend Zaynab, Also, if your reading this sorry, that I spoiled it at lunch lol.  Enjoy!~

Zaynab's P.O.V.

Finding my inner killer inside myself was easier then I thought.
I look ahead seeing dead walkers all over the ground. My eyes follow all the crossed pattens on the rusty wired fence. I stop walking and sat down. I had always prepared myself for the Zombie Apocalypse. I grab patches of grass and pull them out one by one. I always enjoyed the feeling of taking my frustration out. I lay down looking up at the sky. I was always interested in the sky. The pastel blue sky painted across an endless canvas. I hear growls coming from the woods, I quickly get up and grab my gun. I point aimlessly towards the sound. Until, I hear another gun shot echoing loudly. I sprint away from the woods and hide behind a thick tree. I can't help myself from, peeking behind the tree. My eyes pan quickly, focusing on every movement.

A figure appeared, out of no where. A young boy about, 15-16 year old came out gripping his, gun tightly and looking around.

"Who is that?" I whisper to myself.

I hold on to the edges of my black jacket and gritting my teeth. A unrecognized beeping noise came very close to me. The young boy heard it and started following the noise. I was so confused. Until, I look down at my wrist and see my watch beeping insanely. I turn off the button, to maybe scare off the boy. Of course, that didn't work, it only drew him closer. I try and blend in the tree and squint my eyes, not wanting to look. I hear dirt, rubbing up against his shoes being more loud than can be. He gets closer and closer, each second. My heart thumps repeatedly and I slowly, open my eyes. The boy holds up the gun ready to shoot, but doesn't. He has a confused look on his face. I take a deep breath as he puts his gun down.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"Who are you!" I ask repeating his question.

"On three," We both say at the same time.

"One, Two Three!"

"Zaynab--Carl!" We say at the same time.

"Carl?" I say raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Grimes, Carl Grimes." He says pausing a little.

"Nice." I say, relaxed.

"Why was your watch going off and why where you hiding behind a tree?" He says laughing.

"Oh-Uh, I had a timer set to wake me up and I tried to hide to see what the sound was from." I say a little embarrassed.

"I wanna get to know more about you." Carl says, intrigued.

"You, could be a psycho path for all I know, save the questions for later." I say smiling.

I pull out my knife from my gun slot on the side of my jeans. I start carving the thick tree slicing a layer of bark.

"Cool, knife." Carl says trying to start a conversation.

"It was mine, I always kept it around. " I say trailing off in a soft voice.

I start to walk away hoping, he'll go away. In the corner of my eye I see Carl following me.

"Carl, go away!" I say creeped out.

I walk a little faster and hear Carl's feet plant into the ground.

"So, that's it?" He says waving his arms to the side.

I turn around glaring at him and walk the other way towards the fence. Carl has a confused face just looking at me.

He finally stops, sees that he can't get anything else out of me. He walks to the way he came out of the woods ready to get lost.

I inspect the fences intersected wires, thinking how I was going to climb this. I place my foot in the first diamond shape of the fence. I repeat each step until I'm basically half way there. My gloves were super thin and lacked to protect me from the sharp metal. I reach for another diamond-shape wire and I feel a sharp poke slice through my glove and into my palm.

"Ouch!" I say loudly.

Carl appears out of nowhere, racing to my rescue as if I needed it.

"Are you okay?" Carl says crossing his arms looking up at me.

"I'm fine, just cut myself a little." I say, not making it a big deal.

I wasn't fine, blood was pouring down my hand, wrist and arm.

Carl quickly climbs up the fence, to inspect my injury.
Carl grabs my hand and looks the cut. Carl looks up at me like I'm crazy.

"You're gonna, bleed out soon, we have got to get you a bandage."

"It's fine, I know how to take care of myself." I say frustrated.

"You're not fine," Carl says grabbing my hand and putting a wrap on it.

"Got a hot dog? I've got extra ketchup." I say laughing.

Carl smirks, and focuses his attention on my hand.

"Good, we're done with that." I say relived.

I jump down off the fence, almost breaking my legs but it was worth it, looking cool. Carl repeats, what I did.

"Off to the woods?" I ask.

"Off to the woods." Carl says winking.

He hesitated grabbing for my hand but, I grabbed his hand a holding on tightly.

We both walk off into the woods holding hands.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now