Chandler|Imagine 13

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*Your P.O.V.*

"No!" I cried to Chandler begging him.

"Babe, it will be fun." Chandler said.

"No! I won't go." I say crossing my arms.

"Yes, you will. It's a haunted house. Have fun a little." Chandler said trying to pull me near the entrance.

"No, clowns right?" I say.

"Well, see it's a bates motel one." Chandler said.

"Let's go!" Chandler said dragging me into the line.

Before I knew it the lady had stamped "Bates Motel." On top of my hand.

"Chandler..." I say stepping in line.

"Yes?" He said rubbing his hands together trying to get warm.

"I'm going to be scared for life." I exclaim.

"With me?" Chandler said.

"No, myself." I say sarcastically.

"Look, you're gonna do this. No chickening out. Remember I'll be with you at all times. This is tuff love." Chandler said acting like a pro.

"What will I get, if I go through it without putting my arms up not motioning anyone to stop." I say.

"Then, I will take you anywhere you like in the world with me." Chandler said winking.

"Next in line." The woman said.

Are you shitting me. The first ones in the group. Just my luck.

"Listen carefully–" the woman continued.

Chandler turned over to me taking of his jacket.

"Here. You're shivering babe." Chandler said giving me his jacket.

"You'll do great. And remember it's all fake." Chandler added on.

I put on this jacket. He pulled me in for a quick kiss and gripped my hand.

"Here we go." Chandler said smiling.

The doors flew open. The first room was pitch black. Strobe lights when off of a gun shot and flashed to a man killed near my feet.

"Ahh! Chandler!" I scream.

"Babe, it's okay." He said in a soothing voice.

We stumble into the second room. The light was dimmed and nothing happened.

"Umm, there's nothing happening." I say.

"What the heck?" Chandler said confused and looking around.

A flashed appeared and a masked man was right in front of me.

"Oh my god!" I scream.

I gripped on Chandler as he held my head near this shoulder.

The whole house was the repeated screams and grips of Chandler and I. It was at the end where we both got chased out with a chain saw. Chandler ran out while I walked out.

"Really, Chandler?" I say crossing my arms.

"What?" He said out of breath.

"It wasn't even that scary." I claimed.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Chandler said laughing.

"I love you for doing that." Chandler said picking me up bridal style and spinning me round.

I laughed as he spun me. Then, he stopped and kissed me.

"Where are we off to in the world?" Chandler asked after our kiss.

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