Chandler | Imagine 20

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L/O/L = League of Legends.
*Your P.O.V.*
After opening presents with the Riggs family, our tradition was making its way into a yearly bash. Snicker doodle dough got brought out from the fridge carried by Grayson. Ginna Ann was running around finding Chandler and I's matching Santa hats, and William was just cleaning up wrapping paper from our present opening session.

Speaking figuratively, Chandler had always saved room for L/O/L. We had always done 'the Riggs tradition,' just Chandler and I ever since we've gotten together friend and relationship wise.

Chandler flattened out the dough , while I gotten the cookie cutters out from the wreath painted box under neath the kitchen sink cabinet. I sorted through the different shapes using Christmas themed ones and cliché hearts.

"Everything ready?" Chandler asked walking by grabbing my hips and kissing my cheek.

"Yes, I've finished untangling the cookie cutters," I say sighing.

"I can't wait for league of legends babe ! I want to just play with you , wrapped in a blanket while our Christmas kiss awaits," Chandler said hugging me from behind.

"I love you baby," I say as my heart sunk.

"I love you too!" Chandler said squeezing me tight then kissing my forehead once more.

"I will be right back," Chandler said leaving the kitchen.

"I wish I could be like you guys," Grayson said slipping into the kitchen.

"Oh sweetie, I had no idea you were in here," I say shocked.

"You make Chandler very happy, and I want to say thank you," Grayson said running up to me and hugging me tight.

"Grayson out," Chandler said coming into the kitchen.

"Bye, *Y/N*" Grayson said winking and leaving the kitchen.

"Sorry about that," Chandler said embarrassed.

"No, don't be! I love Grayson," I say.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'll check on the cookies, I know how long you two have been waiting to play L/O/L," Ginna Ann said.

"Thank you Mrs. Riggs!" I say gripping Chandlers hand.

"Please darling, call me Ginna Ann," She said.

Chandler pulls me up the stairs as he holds my hand tightly up the long staircase. We meet into his room, while his gamings all set up. Sam & Gray are already on live mode, while there voices echo through my headset.

"Christmas kiss," Chandler said as a webcam turned on.

He grabbed me and kissed me passionately. His hands softly folded on the nape of my neck saying Merry Christmas.

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