Carl| Imagine 9

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-Your P.O.V.-

I heard Carl crying through the room next to me.

"Go check on Carl for me."  Rick said running to go get Judith.

I followed Ricks orders, by knocking on the door.

"Carl? Are you alright?" I ask.

"Come in." He said with a raspy voice.

I opened the door to Carl curled up with his knees on his chin. I had shut the door for personal privacy.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting next to him. He continued to cry not wanting to speak. I had played along trying to be helpful, but I was broken inside because, he was too. I stroked his hair as he hugged me crying.

"Carl, what's wrong?" I say lifting his chin to see me.

"I..don'" He continued.

"Wait, Enid?" I say a little mad.

"Yeah, she hasn't been back in days now. She climbed the fence and she hasn't came back." Carl says calming down.

"Over the wall?" I say confused.

"Yes, I went with her a few times." Carl says.

"You, lied to me?" I say hurt.

"Y/N, I didn't–"

"I have to go." I say getting up.

"Y/N!" Carl shouts, as I close the door.

I tear up, as I run down the stairs and exit the house. I hear Carl's footsteps down the stairs as, I trail away. I speed walk before, Carl opens the door. I walk near Ron's house as he stepped outside and stopped me.

"What are you doing out here?" Ron said.

"Look can we talk later." I said fighting back the tears.

"Ron!" Carl said as he slammed shut the door.

"Carl, up for more business?" Ron said rudely.

"I was just leaving." I say running  away.

"Look what you did Carl!" Ron complained.

Carl pushed passed Ron and chased after me.

"Y/N! Stop!" Carl said.
I kept running, this time towards the gate. I go to push it open but, Carl stopped me pulling me by the back of my jacket.

"We're are you going?" Carl said looking into my eyes.

"Where, Enid is." I say sarcastically.

"Look, I'm so sorry that I lied to you. I honesty have no excuse. I was worried that she was gone." He said.

"Why do you care about her so much then!?" I say.

"I..Don't..Know.." He said.

"Maybe, if I leave your princess will come back." I say rolling my eyes.

"You're my princess." He said.

"I only cared about her because, I could relate to her. That was before, you know." He continued.

" I love you, but I need you to say it back." He said.

I smiled on the inside wanting to forgive him. Before I knew it I found myself kissing back, on his kiss. There's nothing wrong with being apologetic as, long as you know it's a right commitment.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now