Carl | Imagine 22

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Disclaimer: Hello , loves ! I had a special request from a reader (ellie_doherty )  enjoy !
Ellie's P.O.V.
Honestly, I was scared. I've only killed a few walkers and that was with a gun & help from my boyfriend Carl. This time I was alone, Carl & I gotten in a small argument. I only had a knife with me as I scanned the woods for walkers. I had nothing to distract walkers with or anything. I continued walking through the woods looking for food & water. Nothing was there, it looked & felt safe to me. I scooped clear water in my hands and splashed the coolness to my dirty face. It felt good to have cold, fresh water. I mean, Alexanrdria had water, it just felt different for some reason.
I wondered what Carl was thinking. We had a small disagreement about, me going over the wall and trying to stand up for myself, so I left. I sighed & heard walker noises mumbling in the background. I reacted quickly shaking the leaves by accident, running away. I didn't know where to go, not in a tree because if walkers spot me than I will be stuck there with no escape. I thought about Alexanrdria but, I couldn't face Carl once again. I rolled forward stumbling down a hill, stupid log. I was so focused on escaping; I didn't notice my surroundings. As I spun in fright, I finally stopped. My vision was blurred & I felt nauseous just from tumbling.

"Finally, quiet?" I say sighing & shocked of no walkers.

I turn around & felt my eyes widening watching a pack of walkers inched toward me. I look over to the hill where I rolled and a herd came after me. I was surrounded. There was no way I could have got out of this. I couldn't give up but, inside I could feel myself loosing hope.

They growled closer as blood hungry eyes focused on me.

"Uhh," I stutter nervously.

"Carl!" I scream knowing it won't do me any good.

"Ellie!?" Carl's voice softly echoed enough for me to hear faintly.

"Carl! I'm here! Help!" I scream once again.

Carl peers out of the woods, running for me.

"Get off of her!" Carl yelled slaughtering walkers who got distracted.

Blood splattered everywhere, my face, clothes & shoes.

Carl slowly made his way to me trying to kill. He was so close to me until, a walker came out of nowhere. The walker was strong; his limp was like a jog & jaws chattered bitting for flesh.

"No!" I cried.
I grabbed my knife quickly, & grabbed the walker by the head, stabbing it to his last sight.

"Ellie! Don't run off on me like that, you could have gotten killed." Carl said not at his distance.

"I love you," I said softly.

"I love you too," Carl said surprised that I said that.

I ran to him, jumping in his arms as he kissed me passionately, holding each other tight.
okay so real quick, I'm working on a new book with Johnnie Guilbert & Diegosaurs & MDE (My Digital Escape)  in it!
please stay tuned! I will be getting imagines in as soon as possible, I will probably make a new one very soon. actually, I'm working on another one right now ;) | Thank you all so much for almost 9 k reads ! Honestly thank you. I couldn't have done this without your support & creativity on suggestions. 💗

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now