Chandler| Imagine 3

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- Your P.O.V. -

I look into my bedroom mirror, intently looking at my reflection.

"Tonight is, gonna be fun!" I say pep-talking myself.

I put on my favorite charm bracelet looking down at each charm.
I put one more coat of waterproof mascara on my long thick eyelashes. I take a look at my costume and adjust anything that was bugging me. My mom and dad had left for a business trip and wasn't there for my sixth-date with Chandler. They trusted me to the limit you could for a teenage daughter. I was a good kid and didn't do stupid things. The only thing my parents didn't know was my costume.

I take a deep breath and go down stairs to the dark half- empty living room. I turn on the light and sit down. I pull my phone out of my back pocket. 

I'm almost here, Chandler types.

Great! I will meet you outside. I type.

Tonight's going to be great, cannot wait to party. Chandler types.

Of course, anything I learned from Mean Girls, at a costume party was, you know.

I clear my throat and get up opening the curved door handle. I look outside into the clear night sky, with the moon white as vanilla ice cream. I look around and see a bunch of little children running from house to house like it was a competition, I remember those days, and I'm now off to a party, crazy right?

Car head lights pierce through my eyes making my pupils small. I cover my hand over my eyes to protect the light from my eyes.

"Sorry," Chandler says, smiling and slamming the car door.

"It's my fault, I wasn't paying attention." I say laughing.

"You look awesome!" Chandler says, checking me out.

"You do too," I say smiling and walking closer to him.

He puts my hands around his neck and holds my waist crashing his lips into me. I can't help but smile while I kiss back with passion.

I pull away slowy, ending the kiss.

"Ready to go?" Chandler says looking right into my eyes and rattling his car keys.

"More than ready!" I respond excitedly.

I grab his hand and start walking down near the street where he parked. I let go of his hand and open the handle of the passenger side. I sit down and buckle and my seatbelt. I hear a sigh in the back of the car. I look back confused.

"Sam?" I say raising my eyebrow.

"Damn, you look hot!" Sam says being a creep.

"Shut up, Sam." I say rolling my eyes.

"Sam, shut up there's a reason she's not sitting in the back seat." Chandler says, sitting down and starting the car.

"Sorry, Sam wanted to come along, maybe he can find a girlfriend and stop talking to both of us." Chandler says, focusing on the road.

"You don't have to apologize, if anything Sam should be the one for being such a creep." I say crossing my arms.

15 minutes later...

We pull up to the house who was having a party. I look and see strobe lights, fog machines, blasting music and tons of people.

"Don't worry, I will stick to your side." Chandler says grabbing on my hand and squeezing it.

I nod my head and get out of the car. Glow and the-dark letters spell out HAPPY HALLOWEEN, on the roof top. I grab Chandlers hand and take a deep breath. We walk toward the crowd of people and blasting music.

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