Carl | Imagine 15 (Part 2)

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*Your P.O.V.*

While Glenn lead us to more empty woods we sat down to take a break. I rubbed two sticks together making friction and then a blazing fire lit the night sky. I could see Carl and Glenn's face lit reflection of the burning orange.
The warmth of the fire, blew towards me while Carl was helping me relax. He stroked his hand up and down my back making it into a soft rub.

"Here." Glenn said throwing a flask by my feet.

"Is this water?" I ask in confusion.

"Nope. Alcohol." Glenn said in a normal tone.

"And, you expect Carl and I to drink this? We're under age." I say.

"Who said, that the zombie apocalypse was legal?" Glenn said looking back at me in a serious voice.

"Okay, true." I say grabbing the flask.

"What kind of alcohol is it?" I ask already taking a sip.

"Pure moonshine." Glenn said.

"Eww!" I say spitting it out.

"That's disgusting." I say laughing.

"You asked for it–" Glenn said about to laugh then cut out.

"We have to go." Glenn said.

I reached for Carl's hand as we both make a dashed escape of a lit fire. This was no fairytale setting anymore. It was a action movie, but with your boyfriends dad and the guy you hate chasing after you.

"Carl! *Y/N*! We know you're out here." Ron yells in a creepy voice.

Carl and I duck down and hid behind a tree while Glenn is right next to us. Carl covered my mouth and I covered his. The rumble of Walker moans followed to Ron's voice.
Ron's appearance becomes clearer as he walks closer near us.

Walkers catch up as Ron begins to be panicky.
Carl, Glenn and I watched Ron get surrounded. Ron screamed help, but it was to late. He tried fighting back, it wasn't enough. He collapsed to the ground as Walkers tore apart his abdomen and bloody screams were swallowed by the darkness.

Carl was in awe watching another victim leave this world.

"As long as I don't lose you." Carl said kissing my forehead.

"Let's go." Glenn whispered getting up carefully.

I nodded my head while Carl and I got up slowly. We turned our backs to Ron's bloated corpse, being split open while his skin deteriorated.

A shot fired while I fall on to the ground. A figure shot my leg as Carl there already, caring for me.

"You." Rick said in disgust.

I looked at him in fear and in pain. Carl tried to fix my bloody leg.

"Get the hell off of her!" Rick said pushing Carl off of me.

"No!" Carl grumbled fighting for Ricks gun.

"Let go of the gun!" Carl said pulling the gun against Ricks force.

Another shot echoed, as a bullet ricocheted off of the tree, going into Glenn's arm.

I struggled to get up to help Glenn. I got up and Rick shot my leg again.

"Did I say to get up?" Rick said gritting his teeth.

I laid there in pain, not wanting Glenn to die.

Carl still fought for the gun. He gripped it, and took control. He pointed it to Rick.

I seen Walkers behind Rick, I attempt to scream and signal that Walkers are coming but no words came to me. I slowly crawl towards Glenn seeing if he was okay.

Walkers grabbed Rick by the shoulders and took him down like a quick fire. Glenn covered his mouth, in shock and despite hurt.

Rick yelled and then silence. Rick was dead. Carl started to tear up and shot all of the Walkers. Then he closed his eyes and shot his own father. He held his head in shame and walked towards me crying. He crashed into me for a needed hug. Some instinct, hit Carl like a bus and quickly wanted to care for Glenn and I. He took our wraps and wrapped it around my leg, and did the same with Glenn's arm.

A rustle in the bushes, lead to constant fear as we all looked at the bushes. It was Maggie. She looked around and seen Glenn.

"Oh my lord." Maggie said rushing for Glenn.

Glenn sat up as she ran right into a hug. They kissed and showed connection missing each other's presence.

I looked down at the ground as Carl lifted my chin softly kissing me.

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