Carl | Imagine 32

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this imagine was requested by: alanabrideau15 , I hope you enjoy. this imagine is also a rick/carl bonding one so no romance in this one haha! also thank you to everyone who got this story to 100k reads!! that's literally insane! I never would have thought this story would ever get popular. thank you front the bottom of my heart. ♡ a new story currently developing, it is about jesse rutherford (lead singer of the neighbourhood) if you're interested, that will be up soon!

Carl's P.O.V.
I sat on the jagged ground filled with pine needles and dead leaves. I lean my back against a thick tree, and throw my head back in stress. I close my eyes embracing the warm sun leak through the trees, warming my skin. Another life escaped through my finger tips, as my former girlfriend died. Losing more and more people in my life continue to make me feel empty. I don't feel I regain strength after deaths, especially after someone you're in love with. I continue to sit in silence, overthinking what I could have done to save her. I find inner strength to get up, and continue walking down the woods. I stumbled across a small stream. The water had brought me to a sense of security and I take a seat on the nearest rock. I'm so wrapped in my own head, about the love of my life; gone like that.

Faint footsteps follow behind me. I look over my shoulder noticing my dad in the corner of my eye. I don't feel like talking. I don't feel like living. How will I go on when a piece of me is missing? He takes a seat next to me saying nothing. We both have are arms folded staring at the stream.

"I know it's rough right now." Rick says with long pauses.

I don't say anything. I know he's trying to comfort me. He's been through the same.

"I-don't know what to say." I force out.

"Nothing son, but let me tell you something. I've been through the exact same situation." Rick breaks the silence.

As I figured the old man giving me advice.

"How-did you manage to get over Mom's death?" I look at my hands.

"Never did. I think about her everyday. I do everything for her. I love her, Carl. I never will get over it, and unfortunately it's something I have to live with. It's something she would have wanted. I had to give up her, for Judith. She would have wanted the same." Rick explains sorrowful.

I continue to not know what to say. I feel incapable of speaking.

"It's going to take sometime to heal. I just want you to know that, you have to continue to live. To keep living your life. You have more people to live for. You have more things to do. You're not finished yet. And, Y/N would want you to continue to be Carl." Rick adds.

I analyze his words, then pull him into a hug.

"Thank you Dad."

A small tear escapes my eye.
My dad is right. I have to keep going.
We both lift each other up and he puts him arm around me. We both start walking back, as the sky fades to dusk.

sorry that this one is a bit short ♡ how cute are carl and rick? family goals. see you in the next one. leave suggestions or message me!

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now