Chandler| Imagine 24

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Another amazing request from ( blink182trevor ) so enjoy ! ❤️ thank you again for 12.7 k it means the world to me and I love ya ! {THIS IMAGINE IS INTENSE READ AT YOUR RISK IF YOU ARE SQUEAMISH}
Blu's P.O.V.

"Almost ready?" Chandler yelled.

"Yes!" I yelled back to him.

I ran down the stairs looking at Chandler. I wanted to show him something, important.

"Alright, let's go!" Chandler said gripping my hand.

He lead me to a skip down our apartment hallway. I gritted my teeth cringing of how hard he was holding on to my wrist, it started to sting but; he was clueless.

Pulling me to the park was a surprise picnic waiting for me. We sat down, had some treats, & talked about our future together.

"I've been meaning to tell you something for a while." I sigh playing with my sleeve.

"What is it?" Chandler asked concerning.

"Well.." I rolled up my sleeve showing Chandler.

"Oh my gosh blu..." Chandler gasped looking at my cut wrists.

He hugged me tight never wanting to let go. Tears formed in my eyes while I realized how much I hurt him.

I started to cry while Chandler cried still hugging me.

"I'm so sorry," I wept into his shoulder.

"Why would you hurt yourself?" Chandler asked while he stroked my back still crying.

"It's a long story, I just.." I trailed off not know what to say.

"I love you, please don't ever do it again!" Chandler begged.

I swallowed hard. "I won't."

"Can we talk about this later?" Chandler said wrapping his arms around my hips.

"Yes, we can." I said putting his hands on mine.

"I love you, please baby don't cut." Chandler said kissing me.

I kissed him back knowing I was going to be alright. I took a deep breath knowing that I was with him. Chandler. The one who saved me.


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