Chandler| Imagine 18

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*Your P.O.V.*
"Mom, this is ridiculous. Me, home alone?" I say sighing.

"Oh, you'll be fine! It's only a couple weeks." My mom said like it was no big deal.

"Okay then." I say putting plates in the dishwasher.

"I love you and see you in a few weeks." My mom said loving and kissing me on the forehead.

My mom slipped out of the kitchen, starting  the engine and on her way to New York for a business trip.

I slithered to the hallway leading to the laundry room.

A knock pounded on the back slider.

What the heck? Who would be here right now?

I tip-toed over towards the slider, scared of who it was. I peeked out the window to see, Chandler looking in the slider.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the back door. He sprung in my house with a suitcase in his hands.

"How you doing?" Chandler said getting really close to me.

"Umm, what are you doing in my house?" I say uncomfortable.

"I wanted to get away from the house. Anyways, your mom is gone so she wouldn't know." Chandler said winking.

"You just expect me, to say yes?" I say.

"Yeah." Chandler said shrugging his shoulders.


"Can you just help me out?" Chandler said impatient.

"Fine, let me take your bags." I say sighing and jogging up the stairs.

Chandler follows me into my room as I set his belongings down. He actually looked really good. Adidas gray sweatshirt, black Nike joggers and black Converse high-tops.

"You like what you see?" Chandler said full of himself.

"You wish." I say throwing a pillow at his face.

"Ouch, that hurt." Chandler said being over dramatic.

"I don't know what hurt more, your sense of humor or you coming into my house unexpectedly." I say raising my eyebrow.

"Oh no you didn't." Chandler said jokingly offended.

"I think I did, Mr. Riggs." I say laughing with my arms cross.

"I like you Mrs. Riggs," Chandler said getting close to me again.

"You do?" I say bitting my lip.

"More than a friend obviously," Chandler said sounding like a little kid.

"Let's test that out then," I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kisses me softy, comfortable with me. Then he started getting rough, kissing my neck softly.

A voice interrupted us, as my mom shouted for my name.

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