Chandler| Imagine 4

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- Your P.O.V. -

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock playing my favorite song. I sit up and rub my eyes lightly. I turn off my alarm, get up and open the blinds. I unplugged my charger to my phone and check social media. Five minutes or more, I finish looking at my Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. I open my closet doors open with over whelming faded colors. I quickly throw on an outfit,  and head towards the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face and quickly apply a light layer of makeup. My phone rings to an alarm reminding me to go to class. I grab my college essay off my night stand and place it into my backpack. I quietly leave my dorm and lock the door to carry on with the day. I look down at my phone and have a text from my friend, *your friends name here.*

  I find myself falling and dropping everything.

"Sorry 'bout that." A boy says with a dad hat fixed to hide his eyes and reflecting a cheeky smile.

He walks off, staring back at his phone, not even helping me. I shrug my shoulders and pick my phone and books up. I walk to room C-32, Algebra 3.

*After classes*

I tangle through messy keys on my lanyard. I finally find the right key and unlock my dorm. I open the door to the fresh smell of a clean dorm. I drop my backpack near the door and spread out on my bed.

I hear my door barge open, and hear three guys loudly enter my room. I jolt up and walk towards the door where the guys were standing.

"Aye, I got this fellas," The boy with the dad hat said while addressing the other guys to 'get lost'.

He closes my door and crosses his arms.

"First of all, why did you barge in? Second of all what are you doing here?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

"I was getting to that, thank you very much" He says.

"Basically, I'm Chandler and I do what I want, that's why I barged in. Also, Frat-party tonight. Your invited, earlier today, I ran into you and thought you were smoking-hot"

"Great! I don't care, I hate frat party's, and thanks for nothing." I say half-way pushing him out the door.

"You, will love it! I promise." Chandler says holding his pinky up and curling his lips.

"No, I won't." I say closing the door.

"I will see you there!" Chandler says, outside the door.

I lock the door, and walk away from that area. I grab a mini water bottle from my mini fridge. I take a quick swig to wash down the cringe I just went through.

I get a buzz from my back pocket from my phone.

Dude, I just got invited to a party wanna come? *Y/F/N* types.

Is it that idiotic frat party hosted by Chandler? I type.

Eww, no a better one. *Y/F/N/* types.

Good, I guess I'll see you there text me the address number. I type.

The address number is ******. *Y/F/N/* types.

I get up and grab my car keys. I press the down arrow and enter the elevator. I walk to the parking lot and drive to the address. I park in a mangled mess with cars in the road and other peoples yards. I see white tents, beer pong tables, in ground swimming pool and hear blasting music. I walk to the back yard and see a bunch of drunk collage mates. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. A red solo cup gets pushed through my lips, with hardcore beer down my throat. He throws down the cup and crashes his lips into mine. I pull away.

"What the hell!?"

"Didn't know you would come?" Chandler says leaning in for a kiss.

"I didn't intend to come, thought it was a different party." I say crossing my arms.

He grabs my hips and pulls me closer, he kisses me again and pulls away dragging me somewhere. I follow behind Chandler as he grips my hand he leads me to the roof. I sit down on the edge of the roof with Chandler.

"I'm not a frat boy." Chandler says playing with his bracelet.

"You aren't?" I say confused.

"Nope, I only hung out with frat boys to meet you. I acted like one because, I thought you liked them, but I was wrong, dumbass Sam got it wrong." Chandler says laughing a little at the end.

We both were looking down, but started looking up at the same time. Both, of our eyes met and we both got closer. This time it was, a kiss, one I enjoyed. That's how we became *Y/N* and Chandler.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now