Carl | Imagine 31

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*readers p.o.v*
I was preparing dinner, fixing with vegetables, chopping and dicing them in a neat order, all of them are precisely  the same cut and even. I sighed, then cracked the wheat noodles in half, sliding them into the boiling hot water. I dusted my hands and gently wiped them on the supple gray hand towel. The front screen door swung open, which caused me to jump. It was only Carl. Carl approached the kitchen with a worried look, he seen me startled.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, tensely.

"Woah, relax, Negan said I had to come for dinner, Carl said concerning, Are you alright? I'm so sorry I scared you."

"Negan has had me on lockdown, I have to make dinner Carl, I can't let the group suffer anymore than it's forced to." I painfully speak.

He takes his hand off of my shoulder, and bows his head, he slumps to a chair staring at the slick lined porcelain plates and silverware.

Judith begins to cry from the next room, I quickly turn the stove at low heat and begin to speed walk to the next room.

"I can take care of Judith," Carl adds, seeing myself in distress.

"Carl, no." Tears begin to form in my eyes, he doesn't seem to understand that he can't do certain things.

He stands up, and calmly walks near me. His soft lips begin to connect with mine as he then wipes the singular tear from my cheek.

"It will be okay," Carl whispers, pushing the access hair from my face to the back of my ear.

He walks to Judith's room, and cradled her. I leaned against the door frame watching Carl attend to Judith's worry, he's good at that.

I returned to the kitchen then continued to finish dinner before Negan came downstairs from his shower. Carl brought Judith into the kitchen and had her sit on his lap.

Judith mumbled something to Carl, which I barely heard. Carl laughed, his laugh revealed his dimples on the left side of his face.

"Did you hear what Judith said?" Carl giggled once more.


"She said 'mom.'" Carl smiled.

I was completely in shock, Judith claimed I was her mother?

"She's probably used to being around you so much and you take care of her all the time," Carl shrugged.

A large grin stretched across my face, I felt really happy.

Rosita and Enid entered the house quickly sitting down, but Enid took my spot next to Carl. My smile turned to a frown quite quickly. I turned around straining the noodles, and placing them into a plainly decorated bowl. I heard Enid speak with Carl, but I rolled my eyes every time she spoke. Dinner was finished and everything was in neat order, all linear and nothing out of place.

All hell was about to break lose as I began to hear Negans footsteps clunk down the dark wooded staircase. He smiled widely, giving off a uncomfortable vibe into the room, and stopped. He scanned the room, studying each person, and object placement. Everyone's smiles turned into frowns, or neutral.

"Why is everyone looking at me like I have three damn heads?" Negan barked.

He walked towards the bowl that had the sauce in it. He stuck his index finger deeply inside of the bowl and took it back out, he then licked his finger.


Negan stared in my eyes. I couldn't read him, he was so coldly joyful all the time.

"This isn't the seating arrangements, I assigned." Negan sputtered.

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