Carl| Imagine 14

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Quick Disclaimer! Thank you all so much for  1.k reads! I honestly thought this wouldn't turn out! Super glad you love it and I'm glad I can update for you! Okay enjoy!
*Your P.O.V.*

"Carl get down here!" Rick said in a raspy mad tone.

Carl had came down, stomping down the steps.

"What?" He said in a sassy tone.

"Ron hit me up with some things." Rick sneered.

"Yeah, so? I pushed him to the ground. I wanted her, and that's what I'm going to get." Carl said walking towards me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Just keep on the look out, Jessie and I... Are concerned about you and Ron's friendship." Rick said.

"Ron and I were never 'friends.' Never close enough. What happened to you? Mr. Trust no one, getting to close with Jessie." Carl barked.

"Well, I believe that Mrs. *Y/N* climbs over the wall." Rick said accusing me.

"Don't drag her into this are you kidding me!?" Carl yelled as he guided me towards the door.

"She won't be there for long." Rick said in a killer voice.

Tears start to shed as Carl, holds me guiding me out of the door to the open Alexandria neighborhood.

"Is he really going to kill me?" I whisper to Carl still holds me close walking.

"No. Because, we're leaving." Carl said with a pissed off expression.

He lets go of me and walks toward the gate pulling it open. He motions come here, as I run toward him. He softly shuts the gate but, with anger. We start to walk away until a voice stops us.

"And where are you going?" Ron said pesky.

I rolled my eyes as I felt the potential between Carl and Ron. I look up at him as he peeks over the watch tower.
I sped walk up to the tower as Ron has a scared look on his face. I jogged up the stairs and finally hit the top of the watch tower.

I run towards him and pin him down on the ground as his sniper falls off the tower into Carl's hands. Ron struggles to get up but, I push him back down.

"Never speak. Just because of Ricks watch. I still have power." I say spitting near the side of him.

He gets up slowly. I punched him to where he got knocked down again.

"Did I say to stand up?" I say angry.

"No, *Y/N*" Ron said coughing and hurt.

I walked back downstairs as Carl smirked leading the way into the empty forest.

The sun grew darker, turning into a grey night sky as a crystal clear moon. My feet swung as I held hands with Carl. Sitting on a tree branch while, the moon howled to be noticed, Carl leaned in kissing my lips. I was enjoying it until, I heard footsteps.

"Hold up.." I say leaping to a higher branch.

Carl followed me curious of the noise. I looked hard for the noise, knowing the possibilities for the objects moving at night. A walker? Rick? Wolves? Animal? All rang through my head.
Sure enough it was Ron and Rick searching the woods.

"Carl!" Rick said.

The leaves blew silent as Carl and I stood still on the tree branch.

"They will never find us." I mouth to Carl.

"Check in the tree tops." Ron said.

Are you kidding me Ron. Lil' bitch.

Carl and I held our breath as, they searched each tree top.

Ron was closer than ever to look up our tree. A gun shot fired and yelling occurred.

"The others they're in trouble!" Rick said quickly.

"What about, *Y/N* and Carl?" Ron said.

"Well search later let's move!" Rick demanded.

They ran off, with us uncaught.

"You're welcome." A familiar voice said.

"Who is that?" Carl mouthed.

"You don't have to hide Carl and *Y/N*
it's me, Glenn." Glenn announced.

I carefully looked and it was Glenn. I slid down the tree as Carl did the same excitedly.

"Glenn, Oh my god! I can't tell how happy I am to to see you." I say running up and hugging him.

We all went into a group hug.

"I thought you were dead." I say in relief.

"I'm so glad to see you!" Carl said again hugging him then, holding me.

"Me too. It's been a crazy ride. Look, Rick is out to get you both and not in a good way." Glenn exclaimed.

"It's okay. As long as I have *Y/N* and you I'm fine." Carl says to Glenn.

"I love you guys." Glenn said.

"We love you too." Carl and I said at the same time.

Carl and I looked at each other then ended the night off, with a moon lit kiss with Glenn by our side.

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