Chandler| Imagine 8

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L/O/L = League Of Legends
Y/N = Your name

- Your P.O.V. -
"*Y/N*!!!" Chandler drags on.
"Yes, Chan?" I say peeking through his bedroom door.
"Come play League Of Legends with me." Chandler says turning around in his desk chair.
"I would love to, but homework." I say sighing.
"Please babe?" Chandler begs.
"Chandler, I can't L/O/L is going to take hours." I say.
Chandler blanks out.
"Chandler dinners ready!" Ginna yells.
"Coming!" Chandler says running down the stairs.

That's weird, she didn't say 'Dinners Ready Lovebirds!' Like she always used to. I followed behind Chandler into to kitchen. I grab a plate but, it falls right through my hands, making a plate shatter.
"Chandler, honey please be careful." Ginna says.

"That wasn't me, I was over here." Chandler exclaims.

"Ooo, we've got a ghost plate." Grayson says waving his hands around, pretending to be one.

All I need is someone to lean on...
I shake and sit up quickly, from my bed. Another nightmare about my break up with Chandler. I turn off my alarm, throwing my phone down. I must of took a nap because, I don't have school, today. I fall back on my pillow weeping, drowning in my tears.

I pick up my phone and dial Chandlers number. It rings endlessly.
"Please, pick up." I whisper under my breath.

"Uh, hello?" Chandler asks in a raspy voice.
"Um, hi." I choked down.
What was I supposed to say. I had a nightmare about you and take me back?

"So, what's up?" Chandler asks bored.
"Listen, this may sound weird but, I really miss you." I say clutching on to my sleeve.

"I do too, here's the thing; I really do wanna get back together with you. I just a have the fear of you not wanting me back because, I broke your heart." Chandler says worried.

"You did. I'm still broken. But, you can fix it. Ask again." I say bitting my lip.

"For your blessing, will you go out with me again. For the second time. Separation, will never split us apart." Chandler says, formally.

My heart skank in the best way, like it did.
"See you tomorrow, babe." Chandler whispers.
"See you tomorrow, love." I said smiling.
I hang up back with love struck. I was actually happy.

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