Chandler| Imagine 6

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- Your P.O.V. -

"*Y/N* Can you come here please?" Lucas, the wardrobe master says.

"Yeah," I say jogging over to him.

"Can, you put this shirt on? Before, we go on set?" Lucas says handing me my shirt.

"Yeah, No problem!" I say smirking.

I walk over to my dressing room, looking for the big star with my name on it. I finally find it down the corridors, of amazing cast members. I shut the door and lock it, so no one walks in on me while I'm getting dressed.

I take of my shirt while, I put on a green spaghetti-strap tank top while, I slip on a grey flowy tank top over the green one. I put on fainted white and blue skinny jeans and put on combat boots.

I hear a faint knock on the door. Get up out of my directors chair and unlock the door.

"Come in!" I say sitting back down and grabbing makeup brushes.
"Hey! How's it going?" Chandler says closing the door.

"Oh My God! Chandler!" I say running to him and hugging him.

He squeezed me tightly, and we hugged for a while. Of course, already in his Carl, outfit.

"I missed you so much!" I say in excitement.

"Me too! I have been waiting to see my beautiful princess!" Chandler says sitting down on one of the single Sofa's.

I turn my directors chair around to face him.

"OMG, me too! I have been waiting to see my chairhandler forever! I say smiling.

"How have you been?" Chandler asks reaching for a peppermint.

"Really, good actually been really busy, trying to finish The Last Of Us." I say grabbing a peppermint too.

"Same, I've been playing a lot with Grey and Sam." Chandler
says unwrapping the mint and popping it into his mouth.

"We should go on set and give the cast a suprise!" Chandler says getting up.

"Have they seen you yet?" I ask getting up from my chair.

"No, thank god I really wanted to see you first! I came through the back." Chandler says grabbing my hand.

"Good, lets go!" I say walking out of my dressing room with Chandler.

We both walk together on each others side, I couldn't believe that my bestfriend was here.

We both, quietly walk outside trying not to be seen. Andy, (Rick) and Norman (Daryl) where the first ones we saw. Chandler and I stopped and waited for the others. Soon, everyone came out, in their awesome costumes.

"On, Three" Chandler says gripping my hand.

"One, Two, Three!" Chandler says letting go of my hand and starts running.

I catch up running at the same pace, until Chandler hops on Andy's back and I jump up on Norman's.

"SUPRISE!" Chandler and I said at the same time.

"I missed you, guys so much!" Norman says holding me more stable on his back.

"Chandler! *Y/N*!" Andy says excited.

Norman and Andy let Chandler and I down. After where let down we hug both of them, and the rest of the cast.

"Roll Call, for makeup!" The makeup artist says.

Chandler and I run to the makeup stand. Chandler sits next to me. after our face gets contoured, to look like we have greasy hair and dirty faces, we part ways to get our script. I grab my thick script with it pre-highlighted and sit on the set. I go over my lines in my head until, I stumble upon Carl and My scene.

Scene 5: Cuts to Carl and Katie walking in the woods.
Carl: You don't have to be afraid of me.

Katie: Why not?

Carl: Can you stop for a second?

-Katie rolls her eyes and stops.-

Carl: Because, I'm a good person and I'll protect you.

Katie: Protect me?

-Katie starts walking again.-

Carl: Hey, I mean it.

-Carl puts his hand on Katie's shoulder, and kisses her.-

-Katie fights it at first then kisses back.-

Scene cuts to Rick.

"As kissing scene?" I say laughing.

Chandler walks over to me, sitting next to me.

"Hey, did you read scene 5?" Chandler asks with the script in his hand.

"Yes, the kissing scene." I say putting the script in my lap.

"Wanna, practice?" Chandler says smirking.

"Why not?" I say giggling.

He leans in and grabs the back of my head and smashes his soft lips into mine. I kiss back forgetting the part where I'm supposed to fight back.

Chandler and I pull away at the same time.

"How was that?" I ask Chandler smiling.

"Perfect, chairhandlerprincess." Chandler says smiling.

"Quiet, On set please! Chandler and *Y/N* on in 10 seconds." The director shouts.

"Season six here we come." Norman says.

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