Chandler | Imagine 29

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*readers p.o.v*
I clung on to Chandlers arm as he smirked at me, looking super nervous for our first award show.
"Babe, it's fine, I've been to a million of these," Chandler sighed. "I know, but this is my first time," I complained. Chandler leaned over and kissed my cheek. The paparazzi took a picture of Chandlers kiss. "Chandler! How long are you and (y/n) gonna stay together!?" Chandler pushed the paparazzi away and grabbed my waist, pulling me in for a lustful kiss. I smiled, while kissing him. "Does that answer your question?" Chandler laughs. After we took a few pictures, Chandler and I trudged to the main event.
- time skip until TV show nomination-
I looked over at Chandler, while he nervously bit his lip while the nominees began to show up on screen.
"2016 nominees for most popular show, Grey's anatomy, The Grinder, Modern Family or The Walking Dead."
"And the winner for the 2016, best tv show is... The Walking Dead!" Chandler, Andrew and Norman stood up right away, with huge grins. Chandler kissed me excitedly as I couldn't be more proud. Everyone claps happily, while they run up on stage. Chandler, Andrew and Norman shake hands with the host and accept their award. "We are so, grateful for this award! We would like to thank our main directors and makeup artists, Robert Kirkman, Ernest Dickerson and Gregory Nicotero. Last, but definitely not least, we would like to thank our fans for absolutely everything. Thank you!" Norman announced. Everyone proudly applauded including myself. Chandler, Norman, and Andrew all walked back stage, while I started to make my way into the back set.
"I'm sorry Mam, we cannot let you through without verification or some sort of ID." The Security Guard halts me. I show them my v.i.p pass around my neck stating (y/n), (your age), (your birthday), (celebrity figure). He holds a scanner into the barcode to prove its worthy. "I'm so sorry for the wait, Mrs. (y/n), please, right this way," The Security Guard apologizes. I scandalously look down the silent halls as the lit hallway flickers into a horror movie. A hand covers my mouth as Chandlers smile makes me relieved. He laughs and grabbed my waist spinning me around and kissing me. "We won! We did it!" Chandler smiled. "I'm so proud of you and the cast babe," I play with this soft hands.
-time skip to chandlers house after the award show-
*night pajamas outfit ↓*

I eagerly am ready to take off my uncomfortable makeup, by completely erasing it with a makeup wipe

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I eagerly am ready to take off my uncomfortable makeup, by completely erasing it with a makeup wipe. Chandler comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my hips. He rests his chin on my shoulder while I take my makeup off. "I love you," Chandler announced sweetly kissing my neck. "I love you more," I reply, turning around playfully kissing his lips. Chandler changed into black basketball shorts, and a grey long sleeve shirt. "Let's go to sleep, I'm tired." Chandler sleepily drags on his voice. "Fine," I sighed. We both left the bathroom and into his room. Chandler plopped on the bed laying flat out on his stomach. He patted the empty space next to him desperately wanting to rest. I slowly laid down while he dragged me closer to him. We both giggled while, I lively squished Chandler's face kissing him. I snuggled into his chest, as he calmly stroked my hair, his warm body next to mine, a big fluffy navy blue comforter spread on us. He kissed my forehead, steadily hushing me to sleep, whilst my hands on his chest, his on my thighs.

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