Chandler| Imagine 25

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Hello loves c: , this imagine was a request/suggestion from {dapurplecrunchXD } ! Enjoy Rebekah!
(To all who requested an imagine, don't worry cx , I'm working on them & thank you for being patient ❤️) IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN SEASON 6 EPISODE 9 "No way out" THAN I RECOMMEND NOT READING THIS CHAPTER!
Rebekah's P.O.V.
"Hello everybody, my name is Chris Hardwick and I am your host on The Talking Dead. Just a warning there are spoilers as always so you have three seconds, alright you have been warned ! Let's carry on to the show, tonight's guests are, Greg Nicotero and special guest Chandler Riggs!" Chris announced.

While the show started I was front row, there supporting my boyfriend Chandler, like always. Claps from the crowd died down as Chandler sat down joining Greg and Chris.

"Thank you, Chandler for coming on the show!" Chris said.

"No problem!" Chandler sat up.

"Chandler, what was your favorite part of tonight's episode?" Chris asked.

"Wow, I have so many favorites in this episode uh, It would have to be when my eye was shot out, that was so awesome!" Chandler says in excitement.

"Nice!" Chris replies.

"So, what's your relationship status because all the ladies are in love." Chris chuckles.

"Well, I am currently taken by my gorgeous, most beautiful, girlfriend Rebekah!" Chandler says in completely in love.

I sit up in my chair surprised that Chandler said that about me on national tv! I blushed in complete lovestruck.

"She's just so amazing, adventurous, talented, and did I mention beautiful?" Chandler smiled.

"Aww, Chandlers got a girlfriend," Chris said teasingly.

"Rebekah Clouse, if you are in the crowd can you please step up here?" Chris asked looking around.

I stood up and the crowd went wild. Applause filled the room with whistles and hollers. Chandler smiled and motioned to sit next to him. I sat down as Chris had a very impressed look on his face.

"Welcome to the show Rebekah!" Chris said shaking my hand.

"So, do you have any tricks up your sleeve?" Chris asked.

"Well, surprise ! I auditioned for The Walking Dead!" I say very excitedly.

"Very interesting! Role the clip!" Chris says as a projector rolls down.

"What!?" I say nervous.

"Hi, my name is Rebekah Clouse and I am here to audition for the new female character of The Walking Dead!"

"Oh no, not my video audition," I say highly embarrassed.

"It's okay babe," Chandler strokes his hand up and down on my back trying to calm me down.

"Rebekah," Chris says.

"Yes," I look up from hanging my head low.

"Chandler has some good news for you," Chris says.

I turn to look at Chandler as he holds an envelope between his fingers.

"Well, I have some news," Chandler hands me the envelope.

"Read it aloud cutie," Chandler smiled.

I heard a screech of a mic turn on while I carefully opened the letter.

"Dear Rebekah Clouse, As the producer of the tv show known as the walking dead, we found your audition phenomenal job, you are now officially the new reveled character on The Walking Dead, Congratulations Rebekah! - Greg Nicotero"

I couldn't believe what I was reading! I jumped up and down hugging Greg and Chris and Chandler kissed me. It couldn't have been a better night while my acting dreams had risen.

Carl Grimes & Chandler Riggs Imagines ✓Where stories live. Discover now