Chandler| Imagine 12

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-Your P.O.V.-

This is my first date with Chandler where I have to meet his family. We're having dinner to see if I'm eligible enough to be his girlfriend, approved by family. I am waiting outside right now for Chandler to pick me up. Speak of the devil he came. I thought I looked great. I had sent pictures to my group chat and they all loved my outfit.

Chandler comes out opening the car door for me. I sit down and buckle my seat belt. I watch him go from my side to the other side and sit down as well.

"There's nothing to be worried about." Chandler said starting the engine.

"I know." I say gritting my teeth.

"Please, be aware that my family is super weird and I have a friend over and he's going to eat dinner with us." Chandler said focusing on the road.

"You look great by the way." Chandler said winking.

"Thank you. I'm only nervous that we can't be together." I say as my stomach dropped.

"You shouldn't. My mom and dad will love you." Chandler said convincing me to calm down.

"And if they don't?" I say.

"Then, my mom and dad will have to respect my opinion and let me go, let me have you." Chandler said looking at me.

"I love you." I say nervous.

"I love you too." Chandler said grabbing my hand to hold it.

We pulled up into his freshly paved driveway as the night sky croaked.
My heels clicked against the pavement on our way to the front door.

"Wait!" I say stopping Chandler before he went to open the door.

"Just in case." I say grabbing him for our second kiss.

I slowly pull away.

"I love you babe. Don't be worried. We'll be together either way." Chandler said winking.

The suspense rises as he opened the door. His family was standing there smiling.

"Hi, honey!" Chandlers mom said walking in for a hug.

"Hi!" I say with confidence in my voice.

"You look so beautiful!" Gina said.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! You look gorgeous as well." I say complimenting her.

"You're too sweet. Welcome to our home. I'm assuming you know my name this is Grayson, William and Sam, Chandlers friend." Gina said introducing everyone.

"Hi, nice to meet you guys. Chandler has told me all about you." I say shaking hands with his dad and his brother.

"Oh wait! I have got something for you Grayson." I say remembering and looking through my purse.

I had a rolled up jersey of Atlanta's team for him in my purse now into his hands.

"There you go." I say giving him the jersey.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much!" Grayson said running up to me giving me a hug.

"No problem, I knew Atlanta was your favorite team." I say winking.

"Thank you so much for coming *Y/N* it's a pleasure to finally meet you." William said.

"Well, William we shouldn't pressure her. Come in let's eat." Gina said leading us to the dinner table.

I sat next to Chandler and held his hand under the table. The food was already sat out freshly cooked, with bright colors of beautiful dishes of southern food.

Seasoned chicken with a side of lemon, carrot cubes and green beans diced together, a risen biscuit and a few other sides on my plate.

"So, *Y/N* may I ask how you and Chandler met?" Gina asks while forks hit the plates.

"Well, it's quite the story." I say looking at Chandler.

"It was a romantic, set the way Chandler wanted to set things up. I was at my desk working and Chandler came up to me and asked for help on his homework. I had helped him with a few problems here and there, then I could defiantly feel the connection between us. He asked for more help, then when I went to go help him he had a ring pop and asked to be my girlfriend. The note near the ring pop was you should pop into my heart." I say giggling at times.

"Aww, Chandler you're so cute. I'm glad you had chosen her she seems like a keeper to me." Gina said winking to Chandler.

"Oh, are you sure? I want to make sure that you're comfortable with me, please feel free to ask any more questions." I say.

"You don't even need any more questions from me, honey. I can tell just by your personality your a charm." Gina said with a laid back tone.

"The final decision is obvious to me it's a yes of being together." Gina said.

"It's a yes from me you seem like a great person and enjoy being with my son." William said.

"I loved you already." Grayson said.

"Oh wow! Thank you guys so much!" I say getting up and group hugging them.

"Do I have your permission to kiss Chandler?" I ask with a burst of excitement building up in me.

"Of course." Gina and William said.

I do a running hug into wrapping my legs around his sides and kissing him gently. Finally we can be together like we had wanted.

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