The After Effect

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Francesca and Leon face a tragic breakup, Francesca sees it all as Leon's fault. Francesca wants  to get her revenge, to make him hurt the way he hurt her. Leon is left sad, he tries to forget about her but he can't. Francesca begins to change, she changes everything about her. Her personality will never be the same. Leon left a scar in her heart, a scar that can never be covered. Will Francesca ever change back to her sweet loving self, or will she forever be like this. Will Leon win her back, or will he have to move on. Will they be able to overcome the after effects of their relationship?


I don't know if this is original or something, but yeah. This is my new book.
Strong language I guess will be in here. I'm not sure, I'm just warning so if it comes down to it, you can't be shocked and go all mean, and hate.
There will be a few flashbacks in this, to show the relationship and what happened.
I do take constructive criticism because I'm always open to improvements, but I don't take hate. It's unnecessary.
Okay that's it from me.
Oh, and I will post the first chapter tomorrow!


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