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This whole party thing might be this and the next chapter. Because I'm LAZY to think of anything else. Love you!

-F R A N C E S C A-

Friday came -finally a day we didn't have school-, and early in the morning the doorbell rang. I groan, and put my gown on, and run downstairs, trying to fix a ponytail. I rubbed my eyes as I opened the door, and they shot open when the person spoke.

"Delivery for Francesca?" The man asks and I grin.

"Right here," I say.

He nods quite emotionless. He points to where I sign, and I quickly scribble my signature, and snatch the package out of his hand. I hear him mutter something about it's always the teenage girls, before he walks off.

On the package there was a large white sticker. Lord Of The Rings Series - 6. And the nasty price. I shuddered. Oh well, I hope it's all worth it. Next year I'll buy him a key ring.

I skip up to my bedroom, and place it carefully on my dressing table, when Violetta walks in.

"Why are you making so much noise?" Violetta asks groaning.

"No reason!" I chirp.

"So you're just naturally loud? Lovely," Violetta says sarcastically.

"Luca found some party stuff. He left it on the kitchen counter," I say and I see Violetta's body straighten.

"Damn, we've got a party to organize," She murmurs.

"It was your idea," I quip.

"Shut up,"


Everybody had come and over, and helped setting everything up. It looked well, like a party usually would. Streamers, a huge banner, and lots of balloons all over. I tripped over like five.

"Diego! Not there! Higher!" I yell, as he tries to hang up a sign saying Leon. Diego moves it higher and I internally scream.


"I'm right here! Stop fucking screaming," Diego mutters, putting the sign lower.

"Perf!" I squeal and Diego rolls his eyes.

"Yep, exactly where it was at first," He flicks my forehead.

I look over at the gifts table. I hadn't put the books there yet. I wrapped them singly and tied ribbon to hold it together. Well I tried to hold them together.

"Violetta, call your boyfriend," I call and she flushes.

She whips out her phone, and tells Leon to come to our house, because I was throwing up abnormally. I glared at her, and Camila had to stifle a snort. I stand by the window, and look out for Leon. Soon I see him running over.

He cares enough to run, I thought and smiled slightly. Oh god stop! He's dating your sister!

"He's coming!" I announce and they all run and hide.

I stand behind the wall, just as the door is flung open.

"How bad is her vomiting?" Leon yells as he enters.

"Surprise!" We all scream and I jump into his back.

"Happy Birthday Doofus," I grin and he breathes a sigh of relief to see me looking healthy.

"You said she was dying," Leon says to Violetta, and I was still on his back.

"I had to say something to get you here," Violetta shrugs. I just wondered why she used me?

"And can you please get off my back?" Leon asks.

I laugh, and jump off. Violetta and him share a kiss, and I struggled to make sure my smile didn't falter. When was the fact that they were dating going to get into my head?

I suddenly remember my present and bound up the stairs. The books sat in a neatly wrapped pile. I take a deep breath, and take it walk out the room, and end up bumping to Leon.

"There you are, I was wondering if you ditched me on my birthday. V told me you played a big part in this whole party, it's awesome," Leon says and I smile in relief.

"Of course I didn't ditch! And do you really think I would rather spend a night with Luca -the older brother who never bothered to know anything about my life- rather than you?" I ask in a laugh.

"So what were you doing?" He eyes the package.

"Well, I came up here to get your birthday present!" I say excitedly, handing him the stack of books.

He looks at it wonder and anticipation. He removes one book from the pile, and practically throws the rest back at me. I growl, but decide to not kill him since it was his birthday, even though he could've practically killed me.

"Woah," He breathes as he starts to tear the paper.

You know how some people carefully remove the tape. Yeah, he wasn't one of those people.

"Lord Of The Rings," He utters softly.

"First edition, mint condition -kinda- and signed by the Tolkien himself," I say beaming with pride.

He looks up and engulfs me in a hug, picking me up slightly and spinning me around. He puts me down, but carries on hugging me. His face in my ebony black hair.

God I could stay like this forever.

"Thank you, I love it. This is the best birthday present ever," Leon murmurs in my hair.

And there goes the sanity that I was holding onto by a thread.

He made it so hard to not kiss him right then and there. But he was off limits. Sister's boyfriend.

"Leon! Cake time!" Violetta yells from downstairs.

We break apart, and he grins at me. We walk downstairs, his hand on the small of my back sending shiver throughout my whole body. It was my fault really for wearing a thin shirt, I could feel everything!

He stands next to Violetta who was at the head of the table. We start singing very loudly, and going off tune might I add. I couldn't help but notice that Leon's gaze was fixed on me the entire time.

This night is going to kill me.

ITS HAPPENING! I guess? Slowly? Two more chapters left!!! The next chapter you are going to LOVE! (Eek me and my spoilers)

Thanks for reading! Love you all!

~Lexy 😈

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