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The quote below, is a small part of a LONG quote.

she really thought you were different

in the back of her mind

she knew to be careful from

previous experiences but

something about you

made her leave her guard


-F R A N C E S C A-

I told Camila about the whole scene when I arrived home. Well I involuntarily told her, she forced it out of me when I came back. She said I looked so pale, and broken. Eva started planning ways to slowly kill Violetta. They tried to assure me that I was better than her. That Leon didn't even deserve me.

I just listened.

But I didn't believe.

Violetta came home like thirty minutes after me. She looked like her usual self, and no guilt in her eyes. She didn't feel any guilt for going over to my boyfriend. And she tried to tell me she had changed. And I was slowly starting to believe it.

Now I don't.

I don't even know what I'm feeling. Hurt? Betrayal? Anger? Disappointment? I felt angry, but not with Leon. Not even with Violetta. There was nobody to blame except,


I was starting to believe that Leon loved me. I was starting to trust him again. I was starting to fall in love with him again, I was beginning to let my bottled up feeling free. But I was proven wrong. Leon could never love me, he could never devote his myself to just me.

There would always be her.

Even if it wasn't Violetta. It could be Lara. Ludmila, Natalia. There were so many other girls, and he would be with them. Because he didn't love me.

But he will.

And when he does. I will do it.

I will break him.


I had to go to school like nothing ever happened. Like Leon and I were still perfect together. That there were no problems in our relationship. I had to go and live a lie. I decided to walk by myself this morning.


Not as in, I'll walk by myself but Camila will tag along, or Diego would appear out of nowhere. I was all by myself, engulfed in my own broken thoughts. Trying to figure out why it hurt me so much. He had done this before, and that time I had spend the whole day and night crying.

Sleepless nights, and when I actually did sleep. It was because I had cried myself to sleep, and I would dream about him, so I would wake up. I would then remember where I was, and break down into tears again. Simply because that was the only thing left for me to do.

To lose myself in my pain.

Those nights were horrible. They all tried to get me out of my room, but it didn't work. I was too heartbroken to do anything other than cry. Because I loved him.

I loved him.

The only guy I had ever loved, broke my heart. It triggered a roller coaster of emotions. There was a mixture of emotions whirling inside of me. So I wept. My pillow soaked in my salty tears, any other sounds drowned by my sobs.

I was a wreck

I am a wreck.

Which is all the more reason to go on with the plan. He has to know what heartbreak is like. He needs to feel what I felt. He needs to be broken. He has to get a taste of all the pain I had to go through. I would make sure of it.

All my feelings for Leon,,had vanished. All I felt was hatred. The only guy I've ever loved, was now the only guy I've ever hated with a burning passion.

I had to force a smile onto my face, but it had to be genuine. I had to act in love with the monster who hurt me. I had to act like their was nothing wrong. And I was going to do it amazingly. Leon is going to fall in love with me. He's going to fall hard.

Like I did, ages ago.

And then I'll dump him. I'll shatter his heart into a million pieces. I will make sure, he regrets everything he's ever done. He will be a me to witness the monster he made.


He will be able to see all the consequences of his horrible actions. Leon will know what happens when you cheat.


And I will be there watching him break.


I will finally be satisfied.

I will finally get my revenge.


-U N K N O W N-

Ooh, she's going to pay.

Short chapter, but it was really deep. You kinda got an insight to all of Fran's feelings. But now she's deadly serious. And who was the unknown? TAKE A GUESS! 🤔😉

That part (the unknown) will probably only properly come like fifteen or something? I will do a flashback kinda thing. The chapter will be a flashback from the unknown point of view. There may be more than thirty chapters when I think about it. Because I only want the revelation later on. Maybe twenty! And there's a lot more to happen after that.

Wow, there was no dialogue in this. Sorry if it was boring! I just tried to do something different. I think for the next chapter I'll put in some LEONESCA¡

~Lexy 😈

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