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Also, as you can see from the last chapter, there are night visiting hours I guess in this hospital! Read Note at the end! Important.

maybe I'm scared because

you mean more to me then

any other other person

you are everything

I think about


I wanted to see him. Just in case he woke up. I needed to see him. So I could apologize for what Diego did, so I could apologize for what I did. And possibly ask if we could be friends. Okay maybe that's pushing it for one day.

I walk into the hospital and to Leon's ward. I got to his room, and peeked in through the window. I gasp.

Leon was kissing Violetta.

My twin sister.

This time, I couldn't be mad, he is single -or at least was- which means he can kiss whoever he wants to kiss. He can be with whoever he wants to be with. Even if that person is my sister.

I sigh and glance in the room once more. They hadn't pulled away. I sigh again, and walk away. This was just a waste of my time.


The next morning, I woke up and did my usual morning routine. There just a new kind of gloom today. I get downstairs and see Violetta eating at the table. There was a faint smile on her face, as she traced something on the table.

I swallow hard, and walk to the kitchen. I grab a lemon and poppyseed muffin, munching it down quickly, and then an apple. I knew I would be extremely hungry today, but I couldn't stand seeing Violetta.

Whenever I looked at her, I saw her and Leon kissing. Which almost brings me tears. Which means me making a fool of myself in front of her. Which is just not going to happen.

Violetta calls a goodbye! to me and I simply wave. I couldn't hate her for this, she has every right to kiss Leon. -except for that don't go after your sister's man rule- but heck, she broke that one already.

I should've known they'd end up together. After all, they liked each other before. And now their feelings came back to them. But there was a still small part of me that hoped, that Leon still had some feelings for me, maybe buried very deeply, but they were still there.

I reach school, and I'm immediately joined by Camila, who came from hell knows where. She puts an arm around my shoulder grinning widely.

"What happened to you?" I ask glumly.

"What happened to you? At least I'm in a good mood, you're just blue," Camila tsked. I rolled my eyes and we got to my locker.

She removes her arm -and I exhale softly, it felt like I was carrying all her weight!- and I unlock my locker. I take my books and her grin falls. She gestures behind me, and I discreetly look behind me.


He was the reason Leon was in hospital. Which also meant he was the reason that Leon and Violetta kissed. I growl under my breath softly.  I could tell nobody knew that it was Diego who beat Leon up, all they knew was that the guy had ended up in hospital.

Diego was nervous.

His eyes searched everybody, checking for any signs of suspicion in their eyes. He tugged his bag. He was nervous. Good.

I walk over and I see his eyes widen. His eyes were worried, he was scared that I knew about what he did. I nod and he sighs, looking at the ground.

"Why?" I ask him.

"He always gets everything. Everything. When he doesn't even deserve it. He's a heartless guy, and yet everybody loves him. He has everything he has ever wanted, but then he breaks it. He has everything I've always wanted. You," The last part was hardly a whisper.

I sigh softly, and he looked at the ground, the ceiling, my shoes, anywhere except my eyes. He did this because of me.

"Me?" I said, making sure I heard correctly.

"Yes. I love you okay! We even dated, but you always loved him. Even after he broke your heart so many times! You still love him!" Diego exclaims.

"Diego. . ." I trail off.

What do I even say? How do I reply?

"Just forget it. I'm sorry about your boyfriend," Diego said coldly.

He walks away and I sigh. I kick the ground, and Camila appears at my side.

"How did he end up leaving you? Weren't you suppose to give him a piece of your mind, and then walk away?" Camila asks and I shrug.

"I honestly don't know," I say in defeat.

Camila giggles, and we walk to class together, our arms linked.


Violetta entered the class five minutes late. Her gaze met mine. I break away, and glare at the desk. She sits down at her desk, and apologizes to the teacher.

"Now before we were interrupted, I was saying. . ." I tune out of the lesson.

Violetta was probably with Leon. Maybe they were talking about their relationship? Maybe they exchanged I love you's. Maybe they laughed at how stupid I was with the whole breaking his heart.

Maybe they just kissed.

I shuddered at the thought. That was definitely the worst possibility.

Why did I have to lose him? Why was I so stupid? I could've been with Leon right now! Or would Violetta have gotten in the way again?

Or maybe I was just in the way of their love.


Short chapter, but because it's my birthday I decided I'd update! Weird, for my day I'm giving you something 😂

Also, this book will not be updated well for the next two months. Exams are in two months, and I've started studying. But I will try and update.

I will publish two books in that time -Hidden Feelings is coming out today!- but I have already written chapters of both. So it will get me through the two months. But I will try and update, occasionally.

So technically this book is not on hold, it will just not be updated regularly. Thanks for understanding -if you do- Thanks for reading! Sorry for any errors 💚 I feel like there are a lot.

Also this is part of my birthday present to you! So I hope you enjoyed!

~Lexy 😈

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