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I have 1K! 🎉  I'm not 100% sure if the lyrics are correct. Don't kill me if it isn't. I wonder if you know this song 🤔

now you're gonna

say pretty please

forgive me

fooled me once

told you twice

you gonna regret it

-L E O N-


I could hear a constant  beeping at a steady pace. I couldn't feel my legs, and my eyes felt glued shut. I tried to move fingers, and it felt like there were daggers getting stabbed into my arm. I felt a throbbing pain in my head. It took me a moment to realize what had happened to me.

Car crash.


I force my eyes open, and they do slowly. A white light blinds me, but I can't shield my eyes, still finding it hard to move my hands. I see myself in something white, under a white duvet.


That was pretty much what I could see. The hospital equipment. White. My leg was up, lying on something white hanging from above me. I had never really thought about how colourless hospitals were.

I could see a bruise, half hidden from the hem of the hospital gown. It was red, but I could see it was turning a dark purple, blue. There was still a throbbing feeling in my head, the pain  gradually subsiding.

Somebody enters my room, and her eyes widen when she sees me awake. She smiles warmly, and comes to my side. She had blonde hair, a bit like dirty blonde hair, but it was blonder than that. Her eyes were kind. She read something off her clipboard and looked up at me.

"Leon Vargas," She nods, and I nod slightly, happy to find my neck was alright.

"Nothing terrible. You were only unconscious for a few hours, thank goodness we brought you in when we did. If we were contacted later  , you could've been ; in either a coma, or awake but you would've lost even more blood, possibly killing you. Or a very deep coma," She says and I let out a breath of relief.

At least I wasn't out for a long time.

"A little bit of rib damage, nothing that won't heal within a week or so. Your leg, it's quite alright. I think give it a bit of rest, and then when you start walking, you will have to have a cast, no crutches unless you want." She says and I interrupt her.

"That grey thing?" I ask and she giggles and nods, before carrying on.

"You arm is alright, fractured at the wrist, but it will heal easily. And your head, will just pain, but nothing horrible there. You are quite lucky, you fell hard, so I'm surprised with how little head damage,  luckily the car didn't hit you too badly," She smiles and I nod again, not really sure how I would reply.

"Oh, you got a few visitors. Parents, Andreas I think. Francesca , a Federico, and Camila," She informs me and I thank her.

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