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I honestly quite like Leon's POV. It's quite interesting and stuff. Quote from an amazing song. I swear if you know this I will literally love you forever!

your words cut

deeper than a knife

now I need

someone to breathe

me back to life

-L E O N-

I walked away and uttered one last word. Forever.


I remember I used to think that forever was a word that you shouldn't use unless you are sure of what you are doing. Like saying your vows. It has to be true, and you will have to stick by it for the rest of your life. Forever is a big word, and it wasn't to be used lightly. But I was serious about this.

Francesca and I were over. Forever

After all I had tried to do to get her back, she does this. It honestly hurt a little bits to first, but not anymore. She's managed to make the same cold and vile person that she made herself into. Heartless. Just like her.

Plan to break my heart.

What? Just because it was my heart it meant it wasn't as fragile as hers? As important? I know I cheated, but people cheat all the time, yes I know it was with her sister, but it meant nothing. Just because we did a few things here and there didn't mean I had any feelings for her.

It had always been Francesca.

I don't think I deserved this, for somebody to want to break my heart, pretty much cheat on me while doing it. Or was she cheating on Diego? Either way, she was a cheater as well, but then her little revenge put her on top of the Worst Girlfriends Ever list.

I remember how much I hurt that day I found out.


Meet me at my house. Right now

I put my phone on the table and fork some of my pancakes and put it to my mouth. I open my mouth and the doorbell rings. I quickly eat that piece of pancake and walk to the door. I open the door and lick my lips, making sure there wasn't any pancake stuck. I see Violetta standing in the doorway.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask her, letting her in. I close the door behind us, and give her a quick hug.

"I just wanted to come and see you, we're friends aren't we?" Violetta grins raising an eyebrow.

My girlfriend's sister, that I cheated on her with. Yeah...friends.

"Um sure," I scratch the back of my neck.

"It's alright, I just came here for Lara," Violetta says and I nod. Oh right, my ex-girlfriend.

"Well she's still getting over this heartbreak. And I just wanted to make sure of something. You don't love her right?" Violetta asks.

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