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The quote -Broken-hearted ~ The Vamps- and the gif might give you a clue about the chapter (:

Hey girl look at

what you started

Played with love

got you brokenhearted

I thought you were all I wanted

I thought you were all I wanted

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-F R A N C E S C A-

He told me he loved me. And I replied, with an I love you too. But it was different to the other times. This time, this time, I meant it. I couldn't deny that I had fallen in love with Leon Vargas again, he had always been everything that I needed in a boyfriend. Diego, was what I wanted. But Leon, Leon was what I needed.

And that word changes everything.

I was planning on calling it all off. I had asked Camila to meet me in the gym early in the morning, so I could talk to her about this whole revenge thing. And then, and then Leon and I could be normal. We would be like other couples, and we would be genuinely in love.

That's what I wanted now.

I walked to school happily, the birds chirping and the rustling of the leaves, were like a perfect song. I had a huge smile on my face. I was going to end it all today, I loved him. And I wasn't afraid to admit it anymore.

I enter the school and walk to the gym. A few people glanced at me weirdly, maybe it was because of how light my steps were, maybe it was the huge smile on my face. Or maybe it was that I smiled  at them. I don't know. I enter the gym and see Camila sitting at the edge of the ring, twirling a lock of her red hair in her fingers.

"Morning chirpy bird," Camila greets me with a teasing smile. "So what was so urgent?"

"I want to call it off, I want to end it," I say, sitting next to her.

"You wanna break up with him already?" Camila asks in disbelief.

"No, I want to stop it. I don't want to do this anymore. Cami, I admit I've fallen in love with him again. Maybe I never stopped loving him. I don't know. But I do know that I love him now. And I don't want to break his heart anymore, I want to be with him.

Diego and I have even broken up. Even he saw that I loved Leon. I want to be with Leon, I want to give him back all he love he's given me. I love him,"  I smile slightly at the end.

"Are you sure?" Camila checks.

"Yes, I've never been more sure," I say proudly.

"Okay then, go and get your Prince Charming." Camila grins at me.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I practically run out of the gym before I bring myself to a halt. Do I tell him? I mean, I knew that he deserved to know, but then he may break up with me. It would also mean that our relationship would have started on lies. In fact, it would all be lies.

One lie is over, there is no longer a plan to break his heart.

But on the other hand, there is a new lie. I'm lying to him, because I'm not telling him.

I see Leon waiting at my locker and I smile. I walk over to him and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

"Morning beautiful," He smiles.

"Leon, we, we need to talk about our relationship,"

-L E O N-

"Leon, we, we need to talk about our relationship."

Is she breaking up with me?

"Ah, so it's today," I nod and Francesca gives me a confused look.

"You know, the day you break my heart. The final step to your plan? The day you break me so that I can never love again, doesn't it ring a bell?" I say coldly.

Francesca gasps and I smile coldly, my eyes narrowed. She thought I didn't know. What a shame.

"Oh, I wasn't meant to find out huh. Well I did. And you know what, you sicken me," I spat and I see her eyes get glossy.

"Oh no! Don't cry! You are not the one who loved somebody, only to find out they never liked you back. No, they actually wanted to break your heart, because they still held a stupid grudge," she doesn't speak so I carry on.

"I tried Francesca. I wanted you back because you were all  I ever wanted. Man was I damn wrong! You are a heartless and cold bitch! I mean who has a plan to break somebody's heart. I only ever loved you, but you broke my heart.

And you know what.   I don't care anymore. Yes I was angry, but then I was just disappointed. Disappointed  in you. You've become a heartless monster. Because not only did you never love me back, you were also still dating Diego. I must've really been nothing to you,"

She opens her mouth but I cut her off.

"It hurts sometimes. It hurts like hell. But then I remind myself, that I shouldn't be hurting. You're the one who lost me. You're the one who people should feel sorry for. And do you want to know the worst part. I loved you. I fucking loved you. But you ruined it all,"

"Please, Leon, let me-"

"Hell no! I couldn't explain so like hell you can! There isn't anything to explain, I heard you. So in case you didn't already know. We are done." I start to walk away from her, before casting her one more glance.


So the unknown POV was Leon (: I feel kinda bad for him.

The next chapter will be his POV, because you need to know exactly how he found out.

I updated because of Valentines Day. But this wasn't exactly the happiest chapter. Sorry for that I guess. But I hope you enjoyed it  nonetheless.

Cursing in this chapter :/ but it's Leon, angry Leon. So yeah you can't be that surprised.

I'm publishing you will be the death of me later. Just so you know. Um yeah, that's pretty much it.

Thanks for reading and happy Valentines Day

~Lexy 😈

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