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This chapter will be told in third person, because I didn't really want to change in the middle, to somebody different. {Not Leon/Francesca} Sorry for the long wait! It's holidays for two weeks, and I'll try and update at least once or twice more, minimum. Also, some of this chapter takes place before Twenty. It's just told from a different point of view.

fear is ever changing

and evolving


Francesca knew it was her fault. She didn't blame Leon one bit for how mad he was. But she did blame him for how much confusion she was going through. One day, he was furious with her, and could barely look at her, the next day they were buddies.

Make up your mind!

Francesca finally  texted Diego back. He wanted to meet. Francesca was a bit hesitant at first to reply yes, but finally decided that because she hadn't seen him since their breakup this would be nice. She changes and puts on a white crop top, with an empty speech bubble, and black jeans. She matches it with black converse and puts her phone, and a purse in a small bag.

Francesca runs downstairs and shouts to Luca that she was going out. She exits the house, and bumped into Violetta.

"Francesca! You look nice," Violetta says sweetly.

"Thank you," she replies coldly.

Francesca pushes past her and walks to Zang Coffee & Chocolate Shop. They were the best chocolatiers ever! She sees Diego sitting at a table, playing with the foam on his drink with a stirrer. She sits in front of him, and his face lights up.

"Hey," Diego breathes.

"Hello, I can't believe you ordered without me!" Francesca scoffs. Diego rolls his eyes and apologizes sarcastically.

"But I ordered  a hazelnut coffee for you ," Diego adds on and she shrugs.

"That will do," Francesca muses, struggling to keep a smile off her face. It was her favorite, and it warmed her heart to know that Diego remembered.

"So, I asked you to come here, because I wanted to talk. I heard that Leon, found out and stuff went down," Diego says nervously.

"Yeah. I'm. . .just confused. He's confusing. He told me he was angry, furious, but then he says that it's alright, everything is great between us. But I know he doesn't want to be with me again, which upsets me. I just wish that day was different. I broke the whole thing off, and then we end up breaking up because he knew." Francesca poured.

It felt good to talk about it. Even though she talked with Camila, she knew that Camila and Leon were getting close, and decided to keep some things to herself.

"Yeah, we even broke up so you two could be together," Diego says softly.

Francesca nods, not noticing how Diego's tone had changed. Diego sometimes admired his oblivious she was, sometimes it was a good thing. He didn't want Francesca to know how much he still loved her.

He never stopped. He broke up with her because he wanted her to be happy. He loved her so much, that her happiness was more important than his. And now, Diego loathed Leon for breaking her heart. Again. It made him regret letting her do the whole revenge plan.

Because maybe, if she didn't do it, they would still be together.

And he would still be happy.


Diego watches Leon leave the cafeteria. He also noticed that Francesca wasn't here. He had met up with her again, and found out that as time went on, the breakup got worse. Diego pushes his chair back angrily, and follows Leon out of the cafeteria.

Time to teach this heartbreaker a lesson.



Diego stood above Leon, and he smirked victoriously when the brown haired boy coughed up blood. He enjoyed this, watching Leon -all bloodied up- lose something. Even if it was an unexpected fight.

Diego ignored his inner voice, telling him that he should stop. Diego knew that Leon had just recovered from his accident, and now Diego was beating him up. It wasn't a fair fight. But then there was the other voice, the voice that was filled with jealousy.

Diego was jealous of Leon Vargas for many reasons. But recently, it was because of Francesca. Leon always had Francesca, even though Diego and Francesca were dating, it didn't even matter. They always loved each other. And Leon always ends up breaking her heart.

"Please finish me off," Leon begs.

Diego gets ready to punch him, when he's pushed to the ground. Diego - still shocked - catches a glimpse of black hair before he's punched in the head. The shock, and the heavy blow to the ground, and the lunch causes him to fall unconscious.


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! There's so much blood!" Camila shrieks.

Andres steps away from Diego and walks over to the panicking red head. They had noticed Leon's disappearance and and decided to look for him, to find him basically dying. Andres swears at the state of his best friend.

Camila reluctantly helps Andres pick him up. Her face showed disgust, and despite the current situation Andres chuckled. They got into Andres' car, and drove him to the hospital, rushing to the Emergency door.

The nurse was immediately at their side, with a mattress on wheels. Her eyes widened at the body, wondering how he could've gotten beaten up so badly! Other nurses gather, and they pull him to a room, pushing Andres and Camila away.

"I'm worried, but I seriously need to wash my hands," Camila says holding up her red stained hands.

They walk to the bathroom together, and used the sinks, that were outside the actual toilets. They scrubbed their hands -and even used the nine steps to washing hands posted on the wall-, but unfortunately there was still some dried up blood underneath their nails.

"You know they say, blood can never be washed off," Andres says thoughtfully.

"Screw it! I will get this off!" Camila huffs.

Andres laughs, and they walk back to the waiting room. Francesca, Federico and Maxi were standing there. Francesca was pacing, and Federico was running a hand through his hair every five seconds. When Andres and Camila walk in, Andres rushes over to Francesca and embraces her tightly.

"He will be alright," Andres tells her.

He didn't know if he was saying it to her. . .

Or to himself.


This was really bad! I apologize! So Andres -duh- and Camila rescued him. I felt like Francesca didn't really fit into it properly. And I think Andres and Camila are cute 😏😏😏😏

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! Also, I'm sorry if there are any errors x

~Lexy 😈

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