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I honestly get confused with my stories 😕😂 Since I'm drafting You Will Be The Death Of Me, and I'm writing this, I tend to get my ideas confused. (By the way, You Will Be The Death Of Me, should hopefully come out this month, since I now have a proper cover from LeenDabaja) anyway enjoy!

Meet me under the bleachers

I always unwillingly smiled when he put the 'x' at the end of a message. It reminded me of before. I put away my phone in my front pocket and walk briskly towards the bleachers. As soon as I got outside, my hair blew back because of the wind. I spotted the bleacher and my breath caught in my chest.

So many things had happened there. It wasn't only the first civilized talk hat we had after our breakup. But it was also the place where Leon had first told me that he loved me. It was before our first date on the beach, it was actually here that he asked me to go out in the date. Before we had just been doing random things together, we were still a couple though.

"I want this to be our place," Leon whispers in my arm, placing his arm around my shoulders.

"The bleachers?" I ask raising my eyebrow, and Leon laughs.

"No, under the bleachers," Leon tells me, emphasizing the under.

I look up and see the seats above me. Through the holes you could see the clear blue sky, not a cloud in sight. I put my head on Leon's shoulder and he kisses my cheek somehow.

"Why here?" I ask him facing him again.

He inhales deeply, and shrugs. He gets down on the grass, and tells me to do the same. I reluctantly lie down on the floor, and put all my hair above my head. Leon connects our hands and let's out a deep breath.

"It's calm out here, nobody really likes this place. I don't know why. I like to come here, when I need to think or just get away from people," Leon says, but I don't reply.

I honestly didn't know how to reply.

"You don't need to say anything. I'm just saying that this is my favorite place. And I just want to share it with my girl," Leon continues and I blush when he says my girl.

"You want to share your place with me?" I whisper in disbelief. I place my head on Leon's chest, and our hands on his stomach. I could feel him breathing, it was a soothing feeling.

"This is our place," Leon exhales and I smile.

"Thank you," I murmur and he chuckles, causing vibrations to run from my hands to my toes.

"You don't have to thank me. I am just happy that you are with me, and I will never let you go." Leon says and my cheeks redden.

"I-I," I couldn't find the right words.

"I love you," Leon helps me.

"That's it," I mumble and Leon shakes his head.

"No,   I love you," Leon corrects me, and I blush immensely.

I reach up and peck his lips, pressing my forehead against his, uttering the words I never thought I'd say so soon in my life.

"I love you too,"


Leon used to be the only person who could cheer me up, well and  Violetta. I remember over a year ago, I thought my life was perfect. I had started to love life, I would wake up with a smile. Go to sleep with a grin. Everything was perfect.

And then all of a sudden, everything changed. Leon was cheating on me with my sister, and I was left alone. And then she came back, and all my friends left me. It was weird how everything you had could disappear in flash.

I gather my composure again, and start walking to the bleachers. When I get there I see Leon talking to Andres.

"So you really love her huh?" Andres asks and Leon nods.

"I never stopped loving her,"

As soon as he said those words, I felt like I stopped breathing. Realization struck me, and I started asking myself questions.

Did I ever stop loving him?

Have I ever stopped to think, if there were any buried feelings. It was just the way he said it, the way he told Andres so carefree. He said it effortlessly, but if it was me I would've been stammering.

I start to walk forward but end up tripping. I fall flat on my bottom and groan in pain. Leon was by my side in a second, asking me if I was okay.

"Yep, just a small fall," I say waving my hand in a careless manner. He nods and helps me up.

"I know we were supposed to meet, but something came up. I'm sorry my love," Leon apologizes and I nod.

It hurt, why?

"It's alright, I'll go somewhere with Cami, or Eva," I say reassuringly.

He nods and kisses my forehead. He walks away with Andres and I lean  against a pole under the bleachers exhaling deeply.

"How you holding up?" A deep voice asks.

"Diego," I breathe smiling.

"Hey babe," Diego opens up his arms and I leap into them.

He rubs my back soothingly, and buries his nose in my hair. Whenever we touched I would get these weird tingles.

"How is it going?" He asks when we break apart.

"It's alright, I'll give it a bit more until I end it," I say with a lump in my throat.

It seemed a lot harder to say it, than it was before. He nods and takes my hand in his large one. He draws circles on the back of my hand.

"Good, I can't wait to tell everybody you're mine again," He mumbles and I chuckle.

"Me too,"

I loved Diego, not Leon.

I just had to keep reminding myself that.

Filler 😜 In the next chapter, it will also be a filler. And then the REVEAL! But it won't be the end of the book just yet, because there is still a lot that needs to happen to Leonesca.

Alright I'm done rambling.

~Lexy 😈

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